



Giant Spider

Size: undefined
Type: undefined
Temper: undefined
Number appearing: 0
Combat Pool: 0
Hit Points: 0
Attack Rank: 0
Defense Rank: 0
Damage Reduction: 0

Pathfinder 1e Bestiary 2     Pathfinder (no source link)

Monsters Of The Underworld     D&D 5e original/official source

Monstrous Manual: Dragonlance     D&D 2e (no source link)

Scruffy Grognard's Monstrous Manual     D&D 2e (no source link)

Hacklopedia Of Beasts     Hackmaster (no source link)

Monsters Compendium     Heroes Of Adventure (no source link)

The Monster Overhaul     OSR (no source link)

Lairs And Encounters     Adventurer, Conqueror, King (no source link)