Hunny Bunny     Valor

Human Zyx

The Monsters & Creatures Compendium     Any

Aboleth Beholder Black Dragon Blue Dragon Bugbear Carrion Crawler Centaur Cloud Giant Demogorgon Displacer Beast Dragon Turtle Fire Giant Flumph Frost Giant Goblin Green Dragon Griffon Hill Giant Illithid Merrow Myconid Owlbear Pegasus Red Dragon Skeleton Sprite Stone Giant Storm Giant Tiamat Unicorn Vampire White Dragon

Aquilae Bestiary     OSR

Sulerin (web)     D&D 3e

Dracopedia Bestiary: An Artist's Guide     Any

Alphyn Buraq Chimera Dracowolf Dragon Turtle Enfield Griffon Hellhound Hippocampus Hippogriff Imp Jorogumo Kraken Leviathan Manticore Naga Owlbear Pegasus Questing Beast Roc Shedu Tarrasque Unicorn Vampire Yeti

Creature Codex (web)     Pathfinder

Abraxas Abyssal Drake Aciedactylus Adallantine Air Shark Aksar Alastor Albapotamus Alicanto Alphyn Ama-no-jaku Amebelodon Amnizu Andrewsarchus Anggitay Araton Armand Arrowhawk Aswang Avarusaur Bainligor Balbal Barbed Scorpion Bargniff Basan Beast Giant Bene Ishim Betobeto-san Billdad Bingil Bo Booka Braxat Brontothane Bulugon Calopus Cantobele Carcass Eater Carcene Diakk Carcolh Carnotaurus Castoran Cazamentides Centipus Cerebrosaurian Cetosaur Chocobo Chronotyryn Cloaked Guenon Cobrasaur Crawling Apocalypse Crested Felldrake Critic Lizard Crocophant Cuchivilu Cuegle Curucu Cynocephalus Darfellan Dhinnabarrada Dingonek Diprotodon Dire Shrew Dobhar-Chu Double-crested Behemoth Dracosaur Dracotaur Draegloth Dragonet Drakkin Dread Ram Dromite Dunewinder Echinodaemon Educated Bee Eldritch Giant Ethereal Marauder Etsai Eurekadaemon Eviscerator Beetle Faerie Cat Feridol Festergog Foetodon Fordorran Gailan Gallimimus Gamboll Garappa Garkain Gek-a-gek Gengar Gerulfus Giant Mandarin Hornet Giff Gigat Gimmerling Gloom Beast Glurm Golothoma Gonakadet Gorgonopsid Gravorg Greater Pterotus Grue Gugalanna Guivre Gullon Gumberoo Gump Guulvorg Haagenti Hadozee Hakutaku Hammerclaw Hammerhead Hanadaka Headsnapper Helioprobata Hexxus Hissing Centipede Horned Felldrake Howler Wasp Hydrodamalis Ibixian Jhakar Jikininki Kalidah Khalkotaur Lesser Pterotus Lili Lunger Lycanthropes Mad Slasher Maelephant Mafu Makalala Malkin Mambabarang Mantabungal Maskinganna Masticator Mastikar Megapede Mindkiller Scorpion Missourium Mujina Mukradi Namahage Namorroddo Necrotic Noble Nemeos Neogi Nightmare Beast Nikko Nurihyon Nutriagator Ocean Strider Octogorgon Octopin Omophage Ophidian Orgesh Oront Owlborn Paeliryon Paka Pantere Phorycian Pigaloth Pigfolk Pinnatono Piranhadon Poison Bear Pterafolk Puttikan Qasogonaga Rakshasa Ramadeen Rampager Rasclinn Regulus Repeater Rhek Ringdocus Rukanyr Saguaro Sentinel Salt Mummy Samodiva Sand Squink Sarcox Diakk Sarkrith Savanna Drake Scitalis Seawolf Shadow Ape Sheepsquatch Siv Skeksis Skiurid Slaad Slide-rock Bolter Snallygaster Snoligoster Snowcloak Soratami Sordesdaemon Spell-weaver Spelleater Spitting Felldrake Splinterwaif Stone Chorister Storm Drake Stygionyx Sword Spider Sylph Tanystropheus Tartarusaur Thaskor Thornisaur Thri-Kreen Thyrus Tigbalan Tlalusk Tohr-Kreen Tomb Mote Tonberry Tricenatorus Tsuchinoko Tulgar Uchuulon Ulgurstasta Umber Hulk Ursapotamus Urskan Varag Varath Diakk Velroc Venatosaur Veo Ver Verakia Vlogar Vordrax Vroat Wakomo Wazooey Werebadger Werehippo Weremammoth Wereoctopus Wereraptor Wereraven Wereweasel Whowie Witchfly Witherling Wizzrobe Wonambi Wordsnatcher Wyste Xenicibis Xerfilstyx Xixecal Yaderwald Yale Yamabiko Yaotome Yawkyawk Yikaria Yipyip Yoshi Zabraq Zatab Zern Zeugalak Zevgavizeb Zhackal Zitiron Zuzi

The Monsters Know What They're Doing     Dungeons And Dragons

Aarakocra Aboleth Air Elemental Androsphinx Ankheg Balor Barlgura Basilisk Behir Beholder Bugbear Bulette Bullywug Carrion Crawler Centaur Chasme Chimera Chuul Clay Golem Cloaker Cloud Giant Cockatrice Couatl Crested Leatherwing Dao Darkmantle Devilhunter Behemoth Displacer Beast Djinni Dragon Turtle Drider Drow Dryad Dust Mephit Earth Elemental Efreeti Erinyes Ettercap Faerie Dragon Fire Elemental Fire Giant Flying Snake Frost Giant Galeb Duhr Gargoyle Gelugon Ghost Ghoul Gibbering Mouther Githyanki Glabrezu Gnoll Goblin Gorgon Grell Grick Griffon Gynosphinx Hag Hamatula Harpy Hezrou Hill Giant Hippogriff Hobgoblin Hook Horror Hornface Behemoth Hydra Ice Mephit Illithid Imp Iron Golem Jackalwere Kenku Kobold Kraken Kuo-Toa Kyton Lich Lizardfolk Magma Mephit Malebranche Manticore Marid Marilith Medusa Merfolk Merrow Mezzoloth Mimic Minotaur Mud Mephit Mummy Myconid Naga Nalfeshnee Nycaloth Ogre Orc Osyluth Otyugh Owlbear Pegasus Peryton Phase Spider Piercer Pit Fiend Pixie Poltergeist Purple Worm Quaggoth Quasit Rakshasa Remorhaz Roc Sahuagin Salamander Satyr Seawolf Behemoth Shadow Demon Shieldback Behemoth Skeleton Slaad Smoke Mephit Spectre Spinagon Sprite Steam Mephit Stirge Stone Giant Stone Golem Storm Giant Succubus Tarrasque Thri-Kreen Troll Tyrantfang Behemoth Ultroloth Umber Hulk Unicorn Vrock Water Elemental Werebear Wereboar Wererat Weretiger Werewolf Wight Wraith Wyvern Xorn Yeti Yochlol Yuan-Ti

The Monsters Know What They're Doing 2 (moar)     Dungeons And Dragons

Archer Balhannoth Banderhobb Bard Barghest Beholder Berbalang Boggle Boneclaw Catoblepas Cave Fisher Drow Flail Snail Froghemoth Frost Salamander Giff Girallon Githyanki Gnoll Howler Kobold Korred Kruthik Leucrotta Meazel Meenlock Monk Morkoth Nagpa Neogi Ogre Orc Scout Skulk Spy Tortle Troll Vargouille Warrior Wizard Xvart Yuan-Ti Yugoloth

Monstrosities     Swords & Wizardry

Achaierai Air Elemental Androsphinx Ankheg Baboon Behir Black Bear Black Dragon Blue Dragon Boar Brass Dragon Bronze Dragon Bulette Camel Cave Bear Clay Golem Cloud Giant Copper Dragon Crabman Criosphinx Crocodile Draug Earth Elemental Elephant Felikaur Fire Elemental Fire Giant Fox Monk Frost Giant Giant Bat Giant Bee Giant Eagle Giant Goat Giant Ostrich Giant Owl Giant Raven Gibbering Mouther Glabrezu Glurm Gold Dragon Green Dragon Grick Grizzly Bear Grue Gump Gynosphinx Hezrou Hieracosphinx Hill Giant Hippopotamus Homunculus Hornface Behemoth Hyena Imp Iron Cobra Iron Golem Kheph Leopard Lephane Lion Mammoth Mummy Nalfeshnee Nymph Oni-aka Oni-kage Oni-yama Panther Pixie Polar Bear Purple Worm Quasit Red Dragon Rhinoceros Sand Screamer Seawolf Behemoth Shark Shocker Lizard Shroom Silver Dragon Stegodon Stone Golem Storm Giant Thunderstep Behemoth Tiger Tyrantfang Behemoth Unicorn Vargouille Vrock Water Elemental Werebear Wereboar Weretiger Werewolf White Dragon Wolverine

Angry Golem (web)     D&D 5e

Aarakocra Aboleth Amnizu Androsphinx Ankheg Armanite Badger Balor Banderhobb Barghest Barlgura Bat Behir Berbalang Black Abishai Black Bear Boar Boggle Brown Bear Bugbear Bulette Bulezau Bullywug Camel Carrion Crawler Catoblepas Cave Fisher Chasme Chimera Clay Golem Cloud Giant Cockatrice Constrictor Snake Corpse Flower Couatl Crested Leatherwing Crocodile Dao Devilhunter Behemoth Dire Wolf Djinni Draft Horse Dragon Turtle Dretch Drider Eagle Earth Elemental Efreeti Elephant Elk Ettercap Fire Elemental Fire Giant Flumph Frost Giant Frost Salamander Galeb Duhr Gargoyle Gelugon Ghoul Giant Boar Gibbering Mouther Giff Glabrezu Goat Gorgon Gorilla Goristro Green Abishai Grell Grick Griffon Grimlock Gynosphinx Hamatula Hezrou Hill Giant Hippogriff Homunculus Hook Horror Hornface Behemoth Howler Hyena Illithid Imp Iron Golem Jackal Jackalwere Janni Kenku Kirin Kraken Kuo-Toa Kyton Lich Lion Lizardfolk Malebranche Mammoth Mane Manticore Marid Marilith Maurezhi Meazel Merfolk Merrow Mezzoloth Molydeus Mountain Lion Mule Mummy Nabasu Nagpa Nalfeshnee Nupperibo Octopus Ogre Ogre Mage Orc Osyluth Otyugh Owl Owlbear Panther Pegasus Peryton Pit Fiend Pixie Poisonous Snake Polar Bear Pony Purple Worm Quaggoth Quasit Raven Red Abishai Reef Shark Rhinoceros Riding Horse Roc Rutterkin Salamander Seawolf Behemoth Shadow Demon Skeleton Skulk Spectre Spinagon Stirge Stone Giant Stone Golem Storm Giant Succubus Tarrasque Thri-Kreen Tiger Tortle Troglodyte Troll Tyrantfang Behemoth Ultroloth Umber Hulk Unicorn Vampire Vrock Vulture Warhorse Water Elemental Weasel Werebear Wereboar Wererat Weretiger Werewolf Winter Wolf Wolf Worg Wraith Wyvern Yeti Yochlol

Atlas Animalia     Any

Arctic Sphinx Basilisk Blink Dog Bulette Chimera Cockatrice Couatl Desert Sphinx Dragon Turtle Faerie Dragon Griffon Hippocampus Hippogriff Hydra Karkadann Lizardfolk Manticore Myconid Otyugh Owlbear Pegasus Quoll Sphinx River Sphinx Unicorn Wyvern

OSE Encounter Activity Tables     Any

Basilisk Bat Beetle Black Bear Blink Dog Blue Dragon Boar Bugbear Camel Cave Bear Chimera Cockatrice Crocodile Dryad Dwarf Efreeti Elephant Elf Gargoyle Ghoul Giant Centipede Giant Crab Giant Lizard Giant Scorpion Gnoll Gnome Goblin Gorgon Griffon Grizzly Bear Harpy Hawk Hippogriff Hobgoblin Horse Hydra Kobold Lizardfolk Manticore Medusa Minotaur Mule Mummy Nixie Ogre Orc Owlbear Pegasus Pixie Polar Bear Purple Worm Rhinoceros Roc Salamander Sea Serpent Shark Shrieker Skeleton Spectre Sprite Stirge Troglodyte Troll Unicorn Whale Wight Wolf Wraith Wyvern

Pathfinder 1e Bestiary 1     Pathfinder

Aboleth Air Elemental Air Mephit Ankheg Babau Balor Barbazu Barghest Basilisk Bat Bebilith Behir Black Dragon Blue Dragon Boar Boggard Brass Dragon Bronze Dragon Bugbear Bulette Cave Fisher Centipede Cheetah Chimera Chuul Clay Golem Cloaker Cloud Giant Cockatrice Constrictor Snake Copper Dragon Couatl Crag Linnorm Crocodile Dao Darkmantle Djinni Dolphin Dragon Turtle Dretch Dryad Dust Mephit Eagle Earth Mephit Eel Efreeti Elephant Fire Giant Fire Mephit Frog Froghemoth Frost Giant Gargoyle Ghoul Giant Crab Giant Scorpion Giant Wasp Gibbering Mouther Girallon Glabrezu Gnoll Goblin Gold Dragon Gorgon Gorilla Green Dragon Griffon Grizzly Bear Gynosphinx Hamatula Hezrou Hill Giant Hobgoblin Homunculus Hydra Hyena Ice Golem Ice Linnorm Ice Mephit Imp Iron Cobra Iron Golem Janni Knifetooth Raptor Kobold Kraken Kyton Leopard Lich Lion Lizardfolk Magma Mephit Malebranche Manticore Marid Mastodon Merfolk Merilith Minotaur Mummy Nabasu Naga Nalfeshnee Nymph Octopus Ogre Ooze Mephit Orc Otyugh Owlbear Pegasus Phase Spider Phoenix Pixie Purple Worm Quasit Rakshasa Red Dragon Remorhaz Rhinoceros Roc Sahuagin Salamander Salt Mephit Sea Serpent Sea Snake Shark Shieldback Behemoth Shocker Lizard Shoggoth Silver Dragon Skeleton Skum Squid Steam Mephit Stegodon Stirge Stone Giant Stone Golem Storm Giant Succubus Tarrasque Tengu Tiger Troglodyte Troll Unicorn Vampire Vargouille Viper Vrock Water Elemental Water Mephit Wererat Werewolf White Dragon Wight Wolf Wolverine Worg Wraith Wyvern Xill Yellow Musk Creeper Yeti

Pathfinder 1e Bestiary 2     Pathfinder

Achaierai Akata Anaconda Augnagar Aurumvorax Baboon Badger Bat Bee Blindheim Blink Dog Brine Dragon Brownie Bunyip Cacodaemon Camel Catoblepas Cave Scorpion Centipede Cetaceal Agathion Ceustodaemon Charybdis Chupacabra Cloud Dragon Crysmal Crystal Dragon Decapus Destrachan Devilhunter Behemoth Draconal Agathion Dragon Horse Dust Digger Dziriak Flame Drake Forest Drake Frost Drake Frost Worm Fungal Crawler Gar Giant Spider Gray Render Gremlin Grick Grindylow Grippli Hippocampus Hippogriff Hippopotamus Howler Ice Troll Imentesh Jabberwock Jellyfish Jyoti Keketar Krenshar Leonal Agathion Leucrotta Locathah Lyrakien Magma Dragon Marsh Giant Mercane Merrow Moonflower Mothman Necrophidius Neh-thalggu Peryton Poltergeist Ray Reefclaw Rock Troll Rune Giant Scylla Sea Drake Serpentfolk Shantak Shemhazian Shining Child Silvanshee Agathion Skulk Slurk Solifugid Soulbound Doll Sylph Taiga Giant Tendriculos Thoqqua Thrasfyr Thunderbird Titan Toad Turtle Tylosaur Umbral Dragon Vulpinal Agathion Water Orm Werebear Wereboar Weretiger Whale Yrthak

Pathfinder 1e Bestiary 3     Pathfinder

Adlet Aghasura Akhlut Androsphinx Axe Beak Bandersnatch Carbuncle Catfolk Criosphinx Demodand Derhii Desert Drake Dire Corby Div Dragonne Fire Yai Garuda Giant Owl Guecubu Hieracosphinx Ice Yai Imperial Forest Dragon Imperial Sea Dragon Imperial Sky Dragon Imperial Sovereign Dragon Imperial Underworld Dragon Jubjub Bird Kech Kirin Kuwa Linnorm Mobogo Nixie Phantom Fungus Porcupine Rakshasa Ratfolk Rift Drake River Drake Shinigami Simurgh Skunk Sprite Tanuki Tatzlwyrm Thriae Tzitzimitl Void Yai Voonith Vulture Water Yai Zuvembie

Pathfinder 1e Bestiary 4     Pathfinder

Abaia Almiraj Ankou Bhole Buggane Catrina Chaneque Cliff Giant Cthulhu Dagon Dossenus Dryad Elohim Giant Seahorse Grendel Huldra Hypnalis Ijiraq Julunggali Karkinoi Kitsune Lunar Dragon Maenad Morrigna Nependis Nycar Ocean Giant Pard Pazuzu Peluda Pooka Qallupilluk River Giant Sea Cat Seps Shark Shriezyx Snallygaster Solar Dragon Spiders Spring-heeled Jack Time Dragon Tortoise Void Dragon Vortex Dragon Walrus Wayang Weasel Werebat Werecrocodile Wereshark Wikkawak Wyvaran Yamaraj Ypotryll Zomok

Pathfinder 1e Bestiary 5     Pathfinder

Aether Elemental Ahool Cerynitis Cetus Cherufe Cuero Cytillipede Deep One Grimslake Jungle Drake Karkadann Kikimora Mngwa Ningen Ophiotaurus Peuchen Polar Bear Pyrausta Ramidreju Saxra Seawolf Behemoth Sha Shasalqu Tiyanak Ursikka Vahana Vukodlak Wakandagi Water Leaper Whale Wolliped Xiao

Pathfinder 1e Bestiary 6     Pathfinder

Banelight Boggart Boggle Coral Capuchin Devil Monkey Ghole Kikituk Muhuru Nekomata Thessalhydra

Pathfinder 2e Bestiary 1     Pathfinder

Air Elemental Air Mephit Akata Aurumvorax Badger Balor Baomal Barbazu Barghest Basilisk Bebilith Beetle Behir Black Dragon Blindheim Blue Dragon Boar Boggard Brass Dragon Bronze Dragon Bulette Bunyip Calathgar Carbuncle Catfolk Catoblepas Cauthooj Cave Bear Cave Fisher Cave Worm Centipede Chimera Chuul Clay Golem Cloud Giant Cockatrice Constrictor Snake Copper Dragon Crab Crested Leatherwing Crocodile Daemon Dao Desert Drake Djinni Dragon Turtle Drider Eagle Earth Elemental Earth Mephit Eel Efreeti Elephant Erinyes Faerie Dragon Fire Elemental Fire Giant Fire Mephit Flytrap Frost Drake Frost Giant Gargoyle Gelugon Ghoul Giant Frilled Lizard Giant Gecko Giant Monitor Lizard Giant Scorpion Gimmerling Gnoll Goblin Gogiteth Gold Dragon Gorilla Green Dragon Gremlin Griffon Grizzly Bear Guthallath Hag Hellhound Hill Giant Homunculus Horse Hydra Hyena Imp Iron Golem Jungle Drake Knifetooth Raptor Kobold Kraken Krooth Leopard Lich Manticore Marid Merfolk Minotaur Mukradi Naga Octopus Ogre Orc Otyugh Owlbear Pegasus Pit Fiend Poltergeist Quasit Rakshasa Ratfolk Red Dragon Reefclaw Remorhaz Roc Sea Devil Sea Serpent Shark Shieldback Behemoth Shining Child Shoggoth Shuln Silver Dragon Simurgh Skeleton Slurk Smilodon Spiders Stegodon Stone Giant Stone Golem Storm Giant Succubus Tengu Thunderstep Behemoth Troglodyte Troll Unicorn Uthul Vampire Viper Vrock Wasp Water Elemental Water Mephit Water Orm Werebear Werewolf White Dragon Wight Wolf Worg Wraith Wyvern Yeti

Pathfinder 2e Bestiary 2     Pathfinder

Air Elemental Babau Black Bear Brijidine Brine Dragon Cave Scorpion Cave Troll Cloud Dragon Cornugon Crystal Dragon Daemon Destrachan Dust Mephit Earth Elemental Elephant Fire Elemental Fire Yai Frog Froghemoth Frost Troll Frost Worm Gorgon Gremlin Grindylow Grippli Grodair Hamatula Hezrou Hippocampus Hippogriff Hippopotamus Hodag Ice Golem Ice Mephit Ice Yai Invidiak Jabberwock Jyoti Lerritan Leshy Leucrotta Leydroth Lillend Linnorm Magma Dragon Marsh Giant Megalania Moonflower Mummy Nabasu Naga Nalfeshnee Necrophidius Octopus Ogre Mage Ooze Mephit Osyluth Peluda Peryton Polar Bear Quoppopak Ray Rhinoceros Sarglagon Sea Drake Seawolf Behemoth Serpentfolk Skaveling Skulk Slug Smilodon Solifugid Spectre Spiders Squid Steam Mephit Taiga Giant Tatzlwyrm Tendriculos Thrasfyr Toad Troll Trollhound Turtle Umonlee Unicorn Vrykolakas Water Elemental Water Yai Wereboar Weretiger Wolverine Yellow Musk Creeper Zomok

Pathfinder 2e Bestiary 3     Pathfinder

Adlet Air Wisp Betobeto-san Bison Camel Cave Giant Coral Capuchin Couatl Crab Desert Giant Dretch Earth Wisp Fire Wisp Flumph Fox Garuda Gremlin Kami Kangaroo Kirin Kitsune Kongamato Locathah Mi-Go Mobogo Monkey Moose Mothman Myceloid Narwhal Opossum Peri Porcupine Rakshasa Ram Seahorse Shantak Skunk Sprite Terror Bird Tidehawk Tigbalan Vulture Water Wisp Weasel Wolliped

Pathfinder Southlands Bestiary     Pathfinder

Apau Perape Azza Bouda Camazotz Emela-Ntouka Kaguani Ngobou Nkosi Sand Spider Sathaq Worm Serpopard Subek Tzipori Wakane Xhkarsh Zimwi

Monsters Of The River Nations     Pathfinder


Cerulean Seas: Beasts Of The Boundless Blue     Pathfinder

Aquatic Lycanthropes Austorian Dwarf Barracuda Bubbler Bulanakula Capricorn Cetus Cryoviathan Dakuwaqa Diplocaulus Electric Eel Fantail Seal Frogodile Goggayya Grandfather Worm Grotto Hulk Hippocampus Jormungandi Jupervas Kairuku Karkanak Leviathan Minion Of Saloth Nommo Nucklavee Otter Pelagiarctos Piranha Bear Piscean Polar Kraken Qalupalik Reef Drake Reef Golem Seal Sea Lion Snag Soak Bug Song Dragons Squid Squid Imp Stingray Stygian Imp Sunhunter Tizheruk Turtle Vodnik Walrus Waterhorse Whale Woggart

Cerulean Seas: The Azure Abyss     Pathfinder

Abyssal Phoenix Byakko Din Dragon Dire Viperfish Echinis Phantasmal Frogfish Plumed Serpent Scavenger Drake Sinkfish

Cerulean Seas: Indigo Ice     Pathfinder

Cryoviathan Ice Lich Nanoqaluk Ningen Orcoth Polar Kraken Qalupalik Tizheruk

Scarred Lands Creature Collection     Pathfinder

Amalthean Goat Asaath Blight Wolf Carnival Krewe Charfiend Iron Tusker Jungle Squid Orafaun Sage Camel Steppe Troll Trogodon Vrail

Monster Codex     Pathfinder

Boggard Bugbear Fire Giant Frost Giant Ghoul Gnoll Goblin Hobgoblin Kobold Lizardfolk Ogre Orc Ratfolk Sahuagin Serpentfolk Troglodyte Troll Vampire

Creature Chronicle (web)     Pathfinder

Aarakocra Carrion Crawler Catfolk Drakkin Equiceph Galeb Duhr Gibberling Grell Illithid Inferno Spider Jarilith Kopru Kuo-Toa Lupin Lupinal Agathian Meazel Meenlock Musteval Agathion Nagpa Norker Phanaton Quaggoth Ramadeen Santa Claus Slaad Solifugid Su Monster Thri-Kreen Tortle Umber Hulk Werebadger Werefox Werehyena Werelion Wereraven Xvart Yuan-Ti Zotzilaha

Monsters Of Porphyra v1     Pathfinder

Aliahar Anpur Asherake Buggane Carnage Beetle Forest Fiend Hymele Ithn Yaroo Jackal Kech Mawgriff Orc Otyugh Polarisk Sea Dragon Spirit Creature Striga Tumble Ox

Monsters Of Porphyra v2     Pathfinder

Archaic One Bhorloth Centioch Culkma Jousting Ostrich Narwhal Siege Beast Syft

Monsters Of Porphyra v3     Pathfinder

Battle Corgi Deep One Karkadann Latranal Agathion Lepidoral Agathion Leucrotta Sea Serpent Strigifal Agathion Werejaguar

Tome Of Horrors Complete     Pathfinder

Abyssal Larva Afanc Ahlinni Air Elemental Air Elemental Dragon Alastor Algoid Almiraj Amon Asrai Aurumvorax Axe Beak Baal Baaphel Babbler Balban Baphomet Baric Barracuda Barrow Rat Basilisk Bat Beetle Belabra Blindheim Blood Hawk Bog Beast Bog Mummy Bog Turtle Bonesnapper Brine Sea Serpent Brontotherium Bronze Giant Bunyip Carbuncle Carrion Moth Caterwaul Cave Giant Cave Leech Cave Lion Cave Moray Cavern Lizard Cave Troll Chaaor Chain Worm Churr Clamor Cobra Flower Cooshee Crabman Daemon Dagon Dakon Decapus Deep Hunter Serpent Demodand Demoriel Derghodaemon Devilfin Dire Corby Dire Racoon Djinni Dracolisk Dragon Horse Dragonnel Earth Elemental Earth Elemental Dragon Eblis Eye Killer False Spider Fanged Sea Serpent Ferrous Giant Fire Elemental Fire Elemental Dragon Fire Lizard Fire Nymph Flail Snail Flind Froghemoth Gargoyle Geon Ghaddar Giant Abyssal Frog Giant Assassin Bug Giant Blister Beetle Giant Bog Turtle Giant Bumblebee Giant Falcon Giant Sawtooth Beetle Giant Seahorse Giant Slicer Beetle Giant Wasp Giant Water Beetle Gilded Sea Serpent Gloom Crawler Gnasher Lizard Gohl Gorgimera Gray Nisp Gremlin Greruor Grippli Hippocampus Hoar Fox Hutijin Hyaenodon Hydrodaemon Ice Troll Inphidian Jaculi Jaguar Kech Lantern Goat Leviathan Lightning Elemental Lightning Mephit Lilin Lilith Lucifer Mallor Mammoth Mantari Marble Snake Marid Marsh Jelly Mastodon Mehrim Mezzalorn Moloch Monstrous Crab Monstrous Crayfish Moray Eel Mountain Lion Muckdweller Nabasu Nazalor Necrophidius Nerizo Nupperibo Nysrock Ogrillon Onyx Deer Orc Orcus Pazuzu Phooka Piscodaemon Poltergeist Pooka Pyrolisk Racoon Raggoth Rakklethorn Toad Red Jester Rock Reptile Rock Troll Ronus Ryven Sabrewing Sand Giant Sand Kraken Sand Spider Scarlet Spider Swarm Screaming Devilkin Scythe Horn Scythe Tree Sea Giant Sea Serpent Sea Spider Shadow Demon Shrroth Skitterdark Slorath Smilodon Smoke Mephit Snow Leopard Spitting Sea Serpent Spriggan Sprite Stegocentipede Stingray Tabaxi Taer Tangtal Tazelwurm Tendrul Therianthrope Thundershrike Time Elemental Tsathogga Tuatara Tumblespark Tunnel Worm Turtle-shark Water Elemental Water Elemental Dragon Witherstench Wolf Spider Wooly Rhinoceros Yeti

Tome Of Horrors v4     Pathfinder

Niserie Tombotu Valeany

Mythic Monster Manual v1     Pathfinder

Baregara Black Dragon Blue Dragon Brass Dragon Colossal Dire Ape Copper Dragon Couatl Dao Dire Bear Dire Wolf Djinni Efreeti Flumph Froghemoth Frost Drake Frost Giant Frost Worm Giant Bulette Giant Eagle Giant Scorpion Gibbering Mouther Gold Dragon Green Dragon Hamatula Homunculus Hornface Behemoth Howler Iron Golem Jabberwock Janni Keketar Kraken Marid Myceloid Otyugh Pegasus Peryton Pit Fiend Pixie Purple Worm Red Dragon Remorhaz Sea Serpent Shining Child Shoggoth Stone Giant Storm Giant Succubus Tarrasque Tyrantfang Behemoth Unicorn Whale White Dragon Yeti

Mythic Monster Manual v2     Pathfinder

Achaierai Aether Elemental Androsphinx Aurumvorax Bandersnatch Baykok Bronze Dragon Clay Golem Criosphinx Deep One Destrachan Elephant Emela-Ntouka Girallon Grick Hezrou Ice Golem Imperial Dragon Jubjub Bird Kirin Kongamato Lightning Elemental Mi-Go Moonflower Neh-thalggu Nian Obcisidaemon Ocean Giant Roc Shantak Silver Dragon Soulbound Doll Squid Stalimedved Stone Golem Tanuki Thrasfyr Thunderbird Time Dragon Tzitzimitl Umbral Dragon Void Dragon Vortex Dragon Xorn Yrthak

Demons Revisited     Pathfinder

Balor Glabrezu Hezrou Invidiak Marilith Nabasu Nalfeshnee Succubus Vrock

Dragons Revisited     Pathfinder

Black Dragon Blue Dragon Brass Dragon Bronze Dragon Copper Dragon Gold Dragon Green Dragon Red Dragon Silver Dragon White Dragon

Fey Revisted     Pathfinder

Dryad Gremlin Nuckelavee Nymph Rusalka Sprite

Giants Revisited     Pathfinder

Cloud Giant Fire Giant Frost Giant Hill Giant Marsh Giant Rune Giant Stone Giant Storm Giant Taiga Giant

Classic Horrors Revisited     Pathfinder

Gargoyle Ghoul Mummy Vampire Werewolf

Misfit Monsters Redeemed     Pathfinder

Dire Corby Flumph

Classic Monsters Revisited     Pathfinder

Bugbear Gnoll Goblin Hobgoblin Kobold Lizardfolk Minotaur Ogre Orc Troll

Mystery Monsters Revisited     Pathfinder

Bunyip Chupacabra Mokele-Mbembe Sandpoint Devil Sea Serpent Water Orm Yeti

Undead Revisited     Pathfinder

Lich Wight

Darklands Revisited     Pathfinder


Dungeon Denizens Revisited     Pathfinder

Bulette Cloaker Otyugh Owlbear Purple Worm

Mythic Bugs     Pathfinder


Mythic China     Pathfinder

Foo Imperial Forest Dragon Imperial Sea Dragon Imperial Sky Dragon Imperial Sovereign Dragon Imperial Underworld Dragon Nian

Mythic Daemons     Pathfinder

Cacodaemon Ceustodaemon Thanadaemon Vulnudaemon

Mythic Demons     Pathfinder


Mythic Demons Too     Pathfinder

Abrikandilu Dretch Shemhazian

Mythic Egypt     Pathfinder

Androsphinx Criosphinx Hieracosphinx Sha Werecrocodile

Mythic Fey     Pathfinder


Mythic MesoAmerica     Pathfinder

Cherufe Guecubu Peuchen Saguaroi Tzitzimitl Zuvembie

Mythic Norse     Pathfinder

Crag Linnorm Fenris Ice Linnorm

Mythic North America     Pathfinder

Akhlut Hodag Ijiraq Qallupilluk Snallygaster

Mythical Monsters Revisted     Pathfinder

Chimera Couatl Griffon Hydra Kraken Medusa Phoenix

Mythic Slavic     Pathfinder

Bagiennik Kikimora

Winter's Roar: Vikmordere Bestiary     Pathfinder

Brunnmigi Fafnir Favnir Fenris Frostbite Glacial Bear Huldufolk Lindworm Ratatosk Serpent Of The Depths Snow Screecher Tundra Troll Winter Wyrm Winter Wyrmling

Inner Sea Bestiary     Pathfinder

Cayhound Ceru Syrinx

All Sorts Of Critters (web)     Pathfinder

Aboleth Ahriman Almiraj Ankheg Arshea Astradaemon Baba Yaga Baku Baphomet Barbazu Barghest Basilisk Bebilith Berbalang Boggard Boggle Bulette Calathgar Carbuncle Cave Fisher Cayhound Ceru Cerynitis Chupacabra Chuul Crone Queen Crysmal Cthulhu Dagon Darkmantle Deep One Deinochos Dossenus Elohim Ettercap Faerie Dragon Flumph Froghemoth Frost Worm Furcifer Galluvix Gerbie Ghole Ghoul Gibbering Mouther Glabrezu Gorgon Grick Grimslake Grodair Hezrou Imentesh Imp Ithaqua Jabberwock Jubjub Bird Jyoti Keketar Leshy Leviathan Lillend Lyrakien Maenad Mammon Mercane Moon Dog Moonflower Myceloid Nekomata Oolioddroo Otyugh Owlbear Peri Pit Fiend Poppet Purple Worm Ramidreju Saguaroi Sha Shalkeshka Shantak Shoggoth Slurk Snallygaster Soulbound Doll Stirge Tarrasque Thrasfyr Thuskchoon Troglodyte Troll Tsathoggua Vargouille Voonith Yeti Yig Zoog

Midgard Bestiary     Pathfinder

Bagiennik Bukavac Dire Weasel Wharfling

Wayfinder Bestiary     Pathfinder

Deaths Head Cobra Glass Scarab Nycar Perfektenner Pohton Rompo Rusalka Sandspine Seagrip Seal Skitterbird Wechselkind

Midgard Drakes     Pathfinder

Deep Drake Moon Drake Plumed Drake Prismatic Drake River Drake Song Drake

Creepy Creatures     Pathfinder

Adhaesus Architeuthian Barrow Bat Beachcomber Bisontaur Diplocaulus Dire Skunk Frogodile Gurrangath Hawkape Keel Turtle Morgoth Razorhorn Moose Serpion Thanatophidis Winged Medusa

Book Of Beasts: Legendary Foes     Pathfinder

Demammoth Lich Serretaur Starak Voidstone Water Serpent Wind Sentinel

Monster Menagerie: Winter Ravagers     Pathfinder


Monster Menagerie: Howl At The Moon     Pathfinder

Therianthropic Beast Werefrog Wereorca Wereowl Wereraptor Werescorpion Weretyrantfang Werewolverine

Monster Menagerie: Kith Of The Harpy Queen     Pathfinder


Aetaltis Bestiary     Pathfinder


First World: Realm Of The Fey     Pathfinder


Mythic Menagerie: Howl At The Moon     Pathfinder

Werefrog Wereorca Wereowl Wereraptor Werescorpion Weretyrantfang Werewolverine

Mythic Menagerie: Demonic Harlots     Pathfinder


Book Of The Damned     Pathfinder

Ahriman Asmodeus Baphomet Belial Dagon Flauros Jezelda Mephistopheles Moloch Nocticula Rakshasa Trelmarixian Zeugavizer

Fehr's Ethnology Collected     Pathfinder

Ithn Yaroo Qitar

Book Of The Damned: Lords Of Chaos     Pathfinder

Abraxas Pazuzu Succubus Vavakia Zura

Monsters Unleashed v3     Pathfinder


Monsters Unleashed v4     Pathfinder


Monsters Unleashed v5     Pathfinder

Asnae Ithn Yaroo Striga

Book Of The Damned: Princes Of Darkness     Pathfinder

Eiseth Magaav Mephistopholes Moloch

Amazing Races     Pathfinder

Catfolk Ratfolk Tengu

Codex Draconis     Pathfinder

Black Dragon Blue Dragon Green Dragon Red Dragon White Dragon

Dynastic Races     Pathfinder

Kitsune Nagaji

Fell Beasts III     Pathfinder


Phoenixes: A Field Guide     Pathfinder


Exotic Encounters     Pathfinder

Ankheg Basilisk Carbuncle Couatl Dryad Froghemoth Gargoyle Griffon Kraken Manticore Minotaur Mummy Unicorn Vargouille Worg Wyvern

Racial Ecologies     Pathfinder

Living Dolls

Racial Profiles     Pathfinder


4 Winds Tome Of Monsters     Pathfinder

Altamaha Bonnacon Brayun Drekavak Elk Gremlin Grindylow Hihi Jackalope Silverlight Steppe Bison Succubus Winged Monkey

Lost Lands: Dunes Of Desolation     Pathfinder

Al-haloon El-halaj Karkadann Martuush Sand Golem Werehyena

Ponyfinder: Races Of Everglow     Pathfinder

Flutterpony Purrsian

Everyman Gaming     Pathfinder

Kitsune Kumiho

Fantastical Creatures     Pathfinder

Imp Nymph Ogre Mage Savesha Succubus

Weekly Wonders: Forgotten Oni     Pathfinder

Forgotten Foes     Pathfinder

Achaierai Arrowhawk Brownie Bunyip Cooshee Decapus Destrachan Doll Devil Felius Gray Render Grick Hippocampus Howler Inphidian Juggernaut Kirin Krenshar Necrophidius Owl Sea Cat Shrieker Skulk Thoqqua Werebear Wereboar Weretiger Yrthak

Lost Lands: Mountains Of Madness     Pathfinder

Alpaca Alpbock Calderaborne Llama Orc Yak

Mythic Adventures     Pathfinder

Aboleth Air Elemental Barghest Black Dragon Blue Dragon Cockatrice Earth Elemental Fire Elemental Fire Giant Gargoyle Green Dragon Griffon Gynosphinx Hill Giant Hydra Lich Manticore Medusa Minotaur Mummy Nalfeshnee Ogre Owlbear Phoenix Rakshasa Red Dragon Skeleton Troll Vrock Water Elemental White Dragon Worg Wyvern

Monster Classes: Sand And Spirit     Pathfinder

Janni Rakshasa

Talented Bestiary     Pathfinder

Aboleth Arcturin Bear Barghest Boar Changemare Chuul Elephant Imp Owlbear Sea Serpent Spiders Succubus Troll Lizard White Bison

Lost Lands: Tome Of Blighted Horrors     Pathfinder


Fantastic Races Of The Otherverse     Pathfinder


The Countess' Guide To Beasts And Blights     Pathfinder

Baator Wasp Fanged Slime Gluba Goblin Drake Sul'Lina Uunka

Oathbound Bestiary     Pathfinder

Jaggon Jaglom Merain Moab Polar Rocanny Sand Sovereign Severn

Griffins: A Field Guide     Pathfinder


Eldritch Dreams     Pathfinder


Monster Manual     D&D 5e

Aarakocra Aboleth Androsphinx Ankheg Balor Barlgura Basilisk Behir Beholder Black Dragon Blue Dragon Bone Naga Brass Dragon Bronze Dragon Bugbear Bulette Bullywug Carrion Crawler Centaur Chimera Chuul Clay Golem Cloud Giant Cockatrice Copper Dragon Daemon Dao Darkmantle Djinni Dragon Turtle Drider Dust Mephit Efreeti Ettercap Faerie Dragon Fire Giant Frost Giant Gargoyle Ghoul Gnoll Goblin Gold Dragon Gorgon Goristro Green Dragon Grick Griffon Guardian Naga Hag Harpy Hellhound Hill Giant Hippogriff Homunculus Hydra Ice Mephit Iron Golem Kenku Kobold Kraken Kuo-Toa Lich Lizardfolk Magma Mephit Manticore Marid Merfolk Merrow Minotaur Mud Mephit Myconid Naga Nalfeshnee Ogre Ogre Mage Orc Otyugh Owlbear Pegasus Peryton Phase Spider Piercer Purple Worm Quaggoth Quasit Rakshasa Red Dragon Remorhaz Roc Sahuagin Salamander Shrieker Silver Dragon Skeleton Slaad Smoke Mephit Spectre Spirit Naga Steam Mephit Stone Giant Stone Golem Storm Giant Tarrasque Troglodyte Troll Umber Hulk Unicorn Vampire Werebear Wereboar Wererat Weretiger Werewolf White Dragon Wight Wraith Wyvern Yeti Yuan-Ti

Monster Manual Expanded v1     D&D 5e

Clay Golem Greater Cockatrice Lizardfolk Rakshasa Skeleton Succubus Yuan-Ti

Monster Manual Expanded v2     D&D 5e

Blackspawn Stalker Bluespawn Ambusher Boggle Destrachan Dire Corby Dragonne Froghemoth Greenspawn Leaper Greenspawn Razorfiend Howler Lizardfolk Mephistopheles Paeliryon Vargouille Whitespawn Iceskidder Xerfilstyx Yuan-Ti

Monster Manual Expanded v3     D&D 5e

Archon Aswang Aurumvorax Bullywug Bungisngis Canisphinx Crocosphinx Dracosphinx Dracotaur Duwende Fallen Archon Fire Giant Frost Giant Gatorfolk Guardinals Hellfire Wyrm Hill Giant Hybsil Ice Golem Kirin Kuo-Toa Luposphinx Naga Opinicus Sahuagin Shocker Lizard Stone Giant Storm Giant Taurusphinx Threskisphinx Tigbalan

Fifth Edition Foes     D&D 5e

Aurumvorax Bat Brontotherium Cave Fisher Clamor Cooshee Crabman Decapus Dire Corby Dracolisk Eblis Froghemoth Gray Nisp Grippli Grue Hyaenodon Jaculi Kech Mastodon Monstrous Crayfish Red Jester Ronus Ryven Screaming Devilkin Shroom Skeleton Skulk Snow Leopard Tabaxi Taer Tangtal Tendriculos Witherstench Wooly Rhinoceros Yellow Musk Creeper

Tome Of Horrors 2018     D&D 5e

Air Elemental Dragon Barbegazi Bat Bison Blindheim Bog Beast Bulette Cavern Lizard Cave Troll Cinder Knight Clamor Clubnek Crabman Decapus Djinni Dragon Crab Earth Elemental Dragon Efreeti Fire Elemental Dragon Fire Lizard Frog Giant Seahorse Gnasher Lizard Goblin Gremlin Honey Badger Ice Troll Iron Cobra Karina Lantern Goat Lynx Malignant Mouth Mastodon Moose Noble Streynor Ophidian Orc Phooka Pooka Raggoth Ravager Rhinoceros Riptide Horror Sabretooth Jaguar Sand Kraken Sea Serpent Sepia Snake Skeleton Sloth Viper Spell Parrot Spiders Swamp Troll Tunnel Worm Water Elemental Dragon Wooly Mammoth

Tome Of Horrors 2020     D&D 5e

Abrikandilu Afanc Alastor Algoid Ara Baalzebal Baaphel Bake Kujira Berberoka Black Troll Cacodemon Cave Fisher Chimera Dire Ape Dire Corby Draug Fei Shei Fluttercat Galazon Ghaddar Gray Nisp Gronk Lacedon Lilith Mammon Mi-Go Moloch Monstrous Crayfish Mummy Mus Musk Ox Nabasu Nazalor Nerizo Niutomi Nixie Pyrolisk Red Jester Rhacos Sequana Shining Child Shroom Shrroth Singa Stank Hog Tangagumak Tusk Lord

Kobold Press Tome Of Beasts     D&D 5e

Akyishigal Alquam Anubian Aridni Asanbosam Azza Bearfolk Behtu Beli Blemmyes Bouda Bukavak Burrowling Chelicerae Coral Drake Crimson Drake Dau Deep Drake Desert Giant Drakon Eala Eleinomae Erina Firebird Gbahali Glass Gator Grim Jester Gypsosphinx Isonade Jaculus Kaguani Kalke Kongamato Kot Bayun Lake Troll Lantern Dragonette Lindwyrm Loxoda Mammon Mingwa Ngobou Nichny Nkosi Psoglav Ratatosk Ravenfolk Rusalka Sailback Behemoth Sand Spider Sandwyrm Sathaq Worm Savager Serpopard Shellycoat Shoggoth Smaragdine Golem Star Drake Stryx Subek Suturefly Uraeus Vila Water Leaper Ychen Bannog Zimwi

Kobold Press Tome Of Beasts 2     D&D 5e

A-Mi-Kuk Aalpamac Akaasit Akhlut Alchemical Skunk Alpha Fish Alsikaya Aniwye Anzu Apaxrusl Astri Attercroppe August Rooster Aviere Beetle Boreal Dragon Cave Drake Chamrosh Collais Compsognathus Crater Drake Crinaea Crocotta Cryoceros Death Vulture Derendian Moth Diminution Drake Felid Dragon Glacier Behemoth Graknork Haleshi Harefolk Hoarfrost Drake Hodag Huecambra Ice Bogie Ikuchi Imperial Dragon Irid Kamaitachi Kaveph Kelp Drake Kezai Kobold War Machine Light Drake Mei Jiao Shou Mountain Strider Ogre Ophidiotaur Ophinix Otterfolk Pumpkin King Queen Of Scorpions Sarsaok Satarre Scarlet Ibis Scrofin Sema Shriekbat Skeleton Spellhound Ssadar Stormboar Swamp Naga Tembril Timingila Toad King Tricenatorus Ulnorya Valkruung Vallowex Vexxeh Viiret Virtuoso Lich Wereowl Wereshark Yathon Yowler Zouyu

Kobold Press Creature Codex     D&D 5e

Aatxe Agnibarra Albino Death Weasel Anophiloi Azeban Baba Yaga Bearmit Crab Brother Ox Chupacabra Crypt Spider Cueyatl Devil Shark Dracotaur Foxin Fulminar Gargoctopus Giant Moth Gugalanna Horned Serpent Ichneumon Kapi Korrigan Kryt Kuunganisha Leonino Light Dragon Lou Carcolh Manticore Megapede Monkey King Moon Nymph Mouse King Nalusa Falaya Piasa Pixiu Queen Of Cats Queen Of Serpents Roggenwolf Shantak Shoreline Scrapper Snow Cat Spawn Of Chernobog Sunset Raptor Terror Bird Trumpet Bloom Ursa Polaris Vanara White Stag Wirbeln Fungi Yakirian Yann-An-Oed Zoog

Flee, Mortals     D&D 5e

Angulotl Basilisk Bugbear Chimera Fire Giant Frost Giant Gibbering Mouther Gnoll Goblin Griffon Hag Harpy Hellhound Hill Giant Hobgoblin Human Kingfissure Worm Kobold Kraken Lich Lizardfolk Manticore Medusa Mimic Minotaur Mummy Ogre Orc Otyugh Owlbear Stirge Stone Giant Troll Vampire Wight Wyvern

Untamed Wilds     D&D 5e

Arrowhawk Cave Fisher Dread Ram Frost Salamander Frost Worm Giant Strider Girallon Gray Render Harpoon Spider Howler Wasp Inferno Spider Krenshar Kruthik Mad Slasher Shocker Lizard Thoqqua Yrthak

Mythological Figures And Maleficent Monsters     D&D 5e

Anzu Baba Yaga Balor Black Shuck Circe Cthulhu Douban Drona Fafnir Fenrir Gilgamesh Grendel Grootslang Hercules Hippolya Hippolyta Imhotep Loki Lucifer Maui Merlin Ambrosius Miyamoto Musashi Santa Claus Sinbad Talos Thor Titania

Book Of Beautiful Horrors     D&D 5e

Alp Bruxa Ekimmara Fleder Garkain Ghoul Greater Cockatrice Griffon Katakan Kikimore Minotaur Morvudd Mula Vampire Vargheist Werewolf

Faerie Bestiary     D&D 5e

Bagiennik Bandersnatch Boojum Snark Brownie Bulabar Calpina Chaneque Chernobog Danthienne Dryad Forest Drake Gloomwing Gremlin Gruen Hag Huldra Jabberwock Jubjub Bird Korred Krampus Lantern Goat Larabay Leshy Lyrakien Moon Dog Mothman Mountain Troll Nixie Pixie Pooka Poppet Pyrausta Rabisu Rusalka Satyr Scitalis Spring-heeled Jack

Old Gus: Fey     D&D 5e

Boggle Dousan Dryad Gelfling Korred Pooka Sifa

Old Gus: Beastfolk     D&D 5e

Chapa Elkin Grimalkin Haashir Kamelon Kunek Ludai Nychterid Opsu Pangolo Quillen Rhinox Skiouros Ursine Varkind Vulpine Zanzaro

Old Gus: Plantfolk, Undead, And Other Oddities     D&D 5e

Drosera Ghoul Harpy Ikwiikwii Kumon Myconid Rakshasa Skeleton

Drahsid And Qaz's Guide To Creatures     D&D 5e

Amanita Ferox Lutrinael Pangoliath Volante

Ionu's Compendium of Strange Creatures     D&D 5e

Arachnarok Charybdis Crag Spider Dragon Ogre Great Taurus Jabberslythe Lammasu Merwyrm Razordon Ripperdactyl Skaven Squig Stonehorn Thundertusk Toad Dragon Troglodon Vargheist Zoat

Akhamet     D&D 5e

Anubian Dune Gnasher Horite Numru Sekhmeti Ubasti Werecrocodile

Asian Monsters     D&D 5e

Aghasura Anbari Aswang Bake Kujira Bakeneko Bulgasari Chang Nam Colossal Ape Fire Monkey Garuda Go-zu Harionago Imperial Forest Dragon Imperial Sea Dragon Imperial Sky Dragon Imperial Sovereign Dragon Imperial Underworld Dragon Jorogumo Kirin Kitsune Kting Voar Kyeryong Mogaru Mulyong Naga Nagaji Neak Ta Nian Rakshasa Shinigami Tanuki Upasunda Yaoguai Yuki-Onna

Beasts Of Legend: Beasts Of The East     D&D 5e


Monsters Of The Orient     D&D 5e

Bakemono Dokufu Foo Ghoul Goblin Rat Goi-Kashu Hanemuri Hellbeast Kaluk Kumo Mogwai Yuki-Onna

The Yokai Compendium     D&D 5e

Amanojaku Kijin Kitsune Namahage Reiki Suiko Tanuki Tennin

Islands Of Sina Una     D&D 5e

Amomongo Aran Arimaonga Aswang Bakunawa Balbal Berbalang Danag Gabunan Ibingan Kibaan Mandarangkal Mandurugo Markupo Merfolk Minokawa Sarimanok Tiburones Tigbalan

Wagadu     D&D 5e

Bonu Amuen Daaima Gerda Grootslang Ikaki Quilled Antelope Zamble

Monsters Of Anchorome     D&D 5e

Aniwye Culloo Gici Awas Gitaskog Isti-Papa Mishipeshu Piasa Wuchowsen

Monsters Of Maztica     D&D 5e

Ahuizotl Chickcharnee Corollax Hakuna Itzamti Itzapaplotl Matlazihua Maztican Golem Plumazotl Tzitzimitl Wereeagle Werejaguar Werepiranha

Latin American Monsters     D&D 5e

Ahuizotl Alicanto Alux Amaru Anaconda Araganaqltaa Armadillo Boiuna Caiman Carbuncle Ccoa Cherufe Chonchon Chupacabra Couatl Cuauhxicalli Cuero Eel Encantado Falajitax Flytrap Guariba-Boia Kori Magui Mantis Shrimp Mazacoatl Mboi Tui Peuchen Qasogonaga Quetzal Romsiwamnari Saguaroi Siehnam Thunderbird Tuyango Tzitzimitl Wako Werecaiman Werejaguar

Ultimate Bestiary: Revenge Of The Horde     D&D 5e

Bugbear Cave Troll Crocotta Forest Troll Frost Troll Gnoll Hill Troll Hobgoblin Kobold Mountain Troll Ogre Okiti Orc Scrofa Swamp Troll Troll

Mordenkainen's Tome Of Foes     D&D 5e

Howler Kruthik Meazel Nagpa Ogre Tortle

Volo's Guide To Monsters     D&D 5e

Banderhobb Barghest Catoblepas Cave Fisher Cloud Giant Fire Giant Frost Giant Gnoll Hill Giant Kenku Kobold Leucrotta Lizardfolk Meenlock Orc Stone Giant Storm Giant Tabaxi Vargouille Xvart Yuan-Ti

Monsters And Treasure Of Aihrde     D&D 5e

Dakmour Wyrm Dryad Jolnoch Lakarn Lauk Phidian Qu Fiend Steppe Devil Succubus Ungern Yedae

Fizban's Treasury Of Dragons     D&D 5e

Bahamut Black Dragon Blue Dragon Brass Dragon Bronze Dragon Copper Dragon Crystal Dragon Dragon Turtle Faerie Dragon Gold Dragon Green Dragon Liondrake Red Dragon Silver Dragon Tiamat White Dragon

Critter Compendium     D&D 5e

Achaierai Arrowhawk Balhannoth Banderhobb Berbalang Boneclaw Briarvex Catfolk Chraal Destrachan Dracotaur Dread Ram Equiceph Ettercap Frost Salamander Frost Worm Girallon Gray Render Gremlin Gulgar Harpoon Spider Howler Howler Wasp Ibixian Igneous Strider Inferno Spider Iron Cobra Khumat Kopru Krenshar Kruthik Lizardfolk Lodestone Marauder Maug Meazel Meenlock Moon Dragon Naga Nagpa Nixie Norker Ophidian Ramadeen Shocker Lizard Spriggan Su Monster Sun Dragon Thaskor Thoqqua Time Dragon Tulgar Ulgurstasta Void Dragon Warp Dragon Wilden Xvart Yrthak

Creatures Of Vathis     D&D 5e

Axolotl Bat Glaycian Lynx Isril Elk Isril Seal Kami Kraken Pegasus Sapphire Otter

Monsters Of The Infinite Planes     D&D 5e

Aethon Arrowhawk Avari Bebilith Belker Blackhide Cathshay Clawrg Dao Darkstriker Dharculus Djinni Efreeti Flux Wurm Garmr Gremlin Hildisvini Horuth Lammasu Mad Slasher Megalodon Nereid Shoggoth Slasrath Sunspear Sylph Triath Varrangoin Yugoloth

Gods And Goddesses Redux     D&D 5e

Athena Baba Yaga Batara Kala Fuji Hekate Inti Ishtar Mazu Nayenezgani Saraswati Shango Shiva Tengri Turan

Scales And Fur     D&D 5e

Leonin Luterra Ursine Vulpine

Monster-A-Day     D&D 5e

Achaierai Fern Lizard Krenshar Santa Claus Selachian

Monster-A-Day Compendium     D&D 5e

Bullywug Chamiloedem Fern Lizard Gazellean Ice Troll Kamelon Kobold Leonin Pumpkin King Screecher Selachian Snow Spider Tuskaloth Winged Ape

Mythos Monsters     D&D 5e

Bhole Cthulhu Mi-Go Moon-Beast Moonflower Shantak

The Folio Of Fiendish Monsters     D&D 5e

Blink Raptor Florren Wereowl Wooly Rhinoceros

Handimonsters     D&D 5e


Creaturecopia     D&D 5e

Cephoreal Garshep Mouzling

Limitless Monsters     D&D 5e

Air Elemental Argenta Deep Crab Earth Elemental Fire Elemental Kavora Lubber Fiend Nixie Orc Scion Skeleton Soulbound Doll Water Elemental

Beasts Of Legend: Fairy Tale Creatures     D&D 5e

Jabberwock Jubjub Bird Pixie

The Book Of The Fey     D&D 5e

Bagiennik Banelight Gloura Ijiraq Larabay Malgoren Nereid Nixie Petal Pooka Siabrie

Fey Folio     D&D 5e


Monsters Of Feyland     D&D 5e

Brownie Jabberwock Skeleton Storm Dragon Werebadger Werefox Wererabbit

My Dad's Monster Manual     D&D 5e

Chromadon Greeper Poullian

Emirikol's Guide To Devils     D&D 5e

Asmodeus Mephistopheles Pit Fiend Succubus

Oriental Adventures Reference     D&D 5e


Monster Monday (web)     D&D 5e

Bugbear Bullywug Chimera Dragon Turtle Drider Efreeti Frost Salamander Galeb Duhr Gargoyle Gelugon Gibbering Mouther Girallon Gnoll Grick Hobgoblin Hydra Illithid Imp Iron Cobra Kobold Merrow Minotaur Ogre Mage Okiti Orc Peryton Phoenix Quaggoth Roc Skum Slaad Spectre Unicorn Werewolf Worg Wurm Wyvern Yeti Yuan-Ti

Beasts Of Flesh And Steel     D&D 5e

Avatrol Black Tusk Brendril Calyptor Flying Elchin Tuskaloth

Monsters Of The Underworld     D&D 5e

Behemoth Boatman Boomslang Careless Whisper Cave Giant Cave Hydra Cave Troll Chasm Fiend Crystal Dragon Dark Trader Deep Guide Demon Frog Demon Snail Demon Spider Drider Drow Dwarf Dwarvon Fungah Gangler Gargoyle Giant Centipede Giant Spider Gnome Illuminai Lava Dragon Lich Madcap Minotaur Mussiriad Naga Ogre Orc Razor Fish Rock Wyrm Rumbledum Shadow Knight Shadow Spider Spore Dragon Stalagbite Thunder Giant Troll Vawk Werewolf

Paul Weber Encounters     D&D 5e

Alkaroach Arctic Wolf Bengal Tiger Cicle Stag Croaker Double-crested Behemoth Duhera Elk Felidae Galluptross Giant Walrus Glacier Shark Guinbang Hellmera Hissing Centipede For The Art Infernus Knifetooth Raptor Kull Megalodon Megatherium Moose Munchkin Yodeller Ox Pumpkin King Sabre Seal Seawolf Behemoth Snow Leopard Stegodon Titanmaw Behemoth

Kobold Quarterly     D&D 5e


Neverland     D&D 5e

Pixie Salt Lion Spider

Monster Hunter Monster Manual     D&D 5e

Anteka Apceros Aptonoth Arzuros Baggi Barioth Blango Bulldrome Gammoth Jaggi Jagra Kecha Wacha Kelbi Kirin Kulu-Ya-Ku Malfestio Nargacuga Plesioth Rajang Teostra Tzitzi-Ya-Ku Zamite Zamtrios

Spicy Encounters     D&D 5e


Welcome To The Netherworld     D&D 5e


Monster Ecology Anthology     D&D 5e

Aarakocra Aboleth Angel Ankheg Basilisk Behir Beholder Black Dragon Blue Dragon Brass Dragon Bronze Dragon Bugbear Bulette Bullywug Carrion Crawler Centaur Chimera Chuul Cloaker Cockatrice Copper Dragon Couatl Crested Leatherwing Darkmantle Devilhunter Behemoth Displacer Beast Dragon Turtle Drider Drow Dryad Empyrean Erinyes Ettercap Faerie Dragon Flumph Galub Duhr Gargoyle Gas Spore Ghost Ghoul Gibbering Mouther Githyanki Gnoll Goblin Gold Dragon Gorgon Green Dragon Grell Grick Griffon Grimlock Hag Harpy Hellhound Hill Giant Hippogriff Hobgoblin Homunculus Hook Horror Hornface Behemoth Hydra Illithid Jackalwere Kenku Kobold Kraken Kuo-Toa Lich Lizardfolk Manticore Medusa Merfolk Merrow Mimic Minotaur Mummy Myconid Naga Ogre Ooze Orc Otyugh Owlbear Pegasus Peryton Piercer Pixie Purple Worm Quaggoth Rakshasa Red Dragon Remorhaz Roc Sahuagin Salamander Satyr Seawolf Behemoth Shieldback Behemoth Shrieker Silver Dragon Skeleton Slaad Spectre Sprite Stirge Stone Giant Succubus Svirfneblin Tarrasque Thri-Kreen Troglodyte Troll Tyrantfang Behemoth Umber Hulk Unicorn Vampire Violet Fungus White Dragon Wight Wraith Wyvern Xorn Yeti Yuan-Ti Yugoloth

Monster Manual     D&D 4e

Balhannoth Balor Basilisk Battlebriar Beholder Boar Bulette Carrion Crawler Cave Bear Chimera Chuul Crocodile Destrachan Displacer Beast Drider Drow Dwarf Efreeti Elf Ettercap Fire Bat Fire Beetle Galeb Duhr Gargoyle Ghoul Gibbering Mouther Gnoll Gnome Gorgon Grell Grick Griffon Grimlock Harpy Hook Horror Horse Human Hydra Hyena Kender Kobold Kruthik Kuo-Toa Lich Lizardfolk Manticore Medusa Minotaur Mummy Ogre Ogre Mage Orc Orcus Otyugh Owlbear Panther Purple Worm Rakshasa Roc Sahuagin Salamander Shadowhunter Bat Skeleton Slaad Stirge Troglodyte Troll Umber Hulk Unicorn Wight Wolf Worg Wraith Wyvern Yuan-Ti

Monster Manual 2     D&D 4e

Ankheg Archon Barghest Behir Beholder Bullywug Centaur Centipede Cockatrice Colossus Copper Dragon Couatl Dagon Darkmantle Demogorgon Djinni Eldritch Giant Frost Giant Giant Ant Gnoll Gnome Gold Dragon Gray Render Hawk Homunculus Human Hydra Kenku Krenshar Lizardfolk Mammoth Myconid Neogi Ogre Mage Remorhaz Shark Silver Dragon Skeleton Slaad Spider Spriggan Stone Giant Tiger Troglodyte Troll Wereboar Weretiger Winter Wolf Xorn

Monster Manual 3     D&D 4e

Babau Banderhobb Behemoth Beholder Blizzard Dragon Catoblepas Cave Fisher Cloaker Craud Earthquake Dragon Fire Giant Frog Frost Giant Gargoyle Ghoul Girallon Gnoll Gorilla Gorillon Gremlin Hag Hill Giant Howler Jackalwere Kraken Kuo-Toa Meazel Meenlock Minotaur Nagpa Nalfeshnee Norker Nymph Ogre Quasit Skulk Slaad Spider Su Monster Thri-Kreen Tulgar Umber Hulk Volcanic Dragon Wilden Xvart Yeti Yuan-Ti

Dungeons And Dragons Essentials: Monster Vault     D&D 4e

Air Elemental Angel Archon Basilisk Black Dragon Blue Dragon Bulette Carrion Crawler Displacer Beast Dryad Dwarf Earth Elemental Efreeti Elf Fire Elemental Gargoyle Ghoul Gnoll Goblin Green Dragon Hydra Illithid Iron Golem Kobold Lich Lizardfolk Manticore Medusa Minotaur Mummy Ogre Orc Otyugh Owlbear Purple Worm Rakshasa Red Dragon Skeleton Stirge Stone Golem Troglodyte Troll Umber Hulk Vampire Water Elemental White Dragon Wraith Yuan-Ti

Monster Vault: Threats To The Nentir Vale     D&D 4e

Blackfang Gnoll Goblin Mooncalf Orc Peryton Troll

Sword & Sorcery Creature Collection     D&D 4e

Asaath Barrow Worm Boar Charfiend Crocodile Forge Beast Hill Howler Iron Cobra Iron Tusker Ratfolk Slon Trogodon

Critter Cache: Animals And Beasts     D&D 4e

Eagle Elephant Frog Gorilla Lion Lizard Rhinoceros Smilodon Tiger Weasel Wolverine

Critter Cache: Prehistoric Beasts     D&D 4e

Crested Leatherwing Crocodile Deathtalon Raptor Devilsnout Behemoth Domeskull Behemoth Earthshaker Behemoth Feathered Raptor Hornface Behemoth Knifetooth Raptor Megalodon Parrotjaw Behemoth Sailback Behemoth Seawolf Behemoth Shatterskull Behemoth Spikefrill Behemoth Steelsnap Leviathan Swiftscale Bandit Swiftscale Hopper Swiftscale Racer Titanmaw Behemoth Tyrantfang Behemoth

Dark Sun Creature Catalog     D&D 4e

Aarakocra Air Drake Baazrag Cilops Clodru Cloud Ray Dagorran Dune Reaper Earth Drake Fire Drake Inix Jhakar Kestrekel Kirre Megapede Rampager Spider Ssurran Tembo Thri-Kreen Water Drake

Poison Ivy Press     D&D 4e


Monster Manual 1     D&D 3e

Monster Manual 2     D&D 3e

Braxat Cloud Ray Gravorg Julajimus Loxo Morkoth Ormyrr

Monster Manual 3     D&D 3e

Armand Canoloth Cave Troll Chraal Dracotaur Dragon Eel Feral Yowler Ibixian Ironclad Mauler Kenku Mastodon Mezzoloth Nycaloth Nycter Petal Rakshasa Rejkar Sea Tiger Shimmerling Swarm Ssvaklor Ultraloth Zezir

Monster Manual 4     D&D 3e

Bluespawn Ambusher Bluespawn Burrower Bluespawn Godslayer Greenspawn Leaper Greenspawn Razorfiend Greenspawn Sneak Howler Wasp Nagatha Quanlos Redspawn Arcaniss Sailsnake Voor Whitespawn Hordeling Whitespawn Hunter Whitespawn Iceskidder

Monster Manual 5     D&D 3e

Blackwing Garngrath Guulvorg Malastor Thrym Hound

Fiend Folio     D&D 3e

Abrian Ahuizotl Chwidencha Dire Rhinoceros Fhorge Flame Snake Gathra Hullathoin Indricothere Iron Cobra Maelephant Megatherium Paeliryon Shadow Asp Simurgh Slasrath Terlen Thunder Worm Vorr

Bestiary Of Krynn     D&D 3e

Air Elemental Earth Elemental Fire Elemental Ursoi Water Elemental

E. N. Critters: Along The Banks Of The River Vaal     D&D 3e

Duckweed Lurker Fastling Fissure Fisher Herrenel Silt Dragon Skyte Surrissa

Liber Bestarius     D&D 3e

Boggart Gibbering Mouther Hurg Kari Dragon Kozar Mowz Orsk Stone Worm Syft

Creatures Of Freeport     D&D 3e

Corpse Flower Devil Lizard Flying Lizard Picacouatl Tavi Thanatos Vulpine Wereshark

Creatures Of Rokugan     D&D 3e

Air Yai Bakeneko Baku Chi No Oni Chizaro No Oni Earth Yai Fire Yai Garegosu No Bakemono Great Sea Spider Houou Ianwa No Oni Ikiryo Kumo Kusatte Iru Nezumi Ogre Mage Okura No Oni Tsuno Ravager Void Yai Water Yai

Frostburn     D&D 3e

Ice Golem Megaloceros Smilodon Tlalusk Wooly Mammoth Zeuglodon

Sandstorm     D&D 3e

Ashworm Bhuka Camelopardel Canisphinx Crocosphinx Marruspawn Sand Golem Sand Hunter Thunderbird Wasteland Troll

Folkloric Kitsunemori Campaign Setting     D&D 3e

Moonfolk Ogre Mage Samebito Tengu Yuki-Onna

Encyclopedia Of Lifeforms Mundane And Magical     D&D 3e

Air Elemental Air Elemental Beast Baalzebal Babau Baphomet Belial Cave Fisher Cave Moray Chasme Dao Earth Elemental Earth Elemental Beast Faerie Dragon Fire Elemental Fire Elemental Beast Flind Flumph Froghemoth Giant Goat Grippli Mammon Marid Mephistopheles Moloch Nabasu Pazuzu Water Elemental Water Elemental Beast

Penumbra Fantasy Bestiary     D&D 3e

Abroa Bylur Cuckoo Emph Fuzzwippit Garkain Hliblika Kanershee Lhianon Myndie Snake Naryanese Snapdragon Pardilla Poukai

Sword & Sorcery Creature Collection Vol 1     D&D 3e

Amalthean Goat Aquantis Asaath Barrow Worm Blight Wolf Carnival Krewe Charfiend Child Trap Crescent Elk Desert Falcon Dire Monitor Lizard Fire Lizard Goblin Bear Great Harrier Grippett Hill Howler Hookwing Ice Bear Iron Tusker Mire Dweller Muskhorn Night Terror Ape Ratman Rumbler Runnk Sage Camel Seaspark Steppe Troll Trogodon Valraven Vrail Wolf Spider

Sword & Sorcery Creature Collection Vol 2     D&D 3e

Carnival Krewe Filcher Piscean Shockbat Spined Lizard Swamp Tyrant Windrider

Sword & Sorcery Creature Collection Vol 3     D&D 3e

Carnival Krewe Dallisad Dart Blossom Dire Hyena Drendari Monkey Forge Beast Horned Boar Jin-Sat Jungle Squid Sabre Spider

Dragon Magazine     D&D 2e/3e

Aboleth Abyssal Ant Alcor Asrai Avari Avolakia Baazrag Battering Ram Belabra Chimera Cobra Dragon Creeping Pit Crodlu Dakon Darkmantle Drider Drik Flumph Geyser Dragon Giant Nautilus Gloura Gohlbrorn Gray Dragon Grimlock Grimorian Groundsquid Hawkdragon Hippocampus Hobgoblin Hydra Jalathgak Kender Kopru Lillend Linnorm Lukhorn Malcanthet Minotaur Mole Dragon Mummy Obsidian Dragon Orc Pardal Purple Worm Quakedancer Rainbow Dragon Remorhaz Riftjumper Ruktoi Salamander Skerath Skittermaw Succubus Tarrasque Thri-Kreen Tibbit Titan Troll Tundra Beast Ukuyatangi Umber Hulk Varkha Watroach Yale Yrthak

Dragon Magazine Monster Ecologies     D&D 2e/3e

Chuul Kenku Kobold Kraken Lizardfolk Mooncalf Rakshasa

MojoBob (web)     D&D 2e

Achaierai Actaeon Afanc Agrutha Ahuizotl Alaghi Algoid Alguduir Almiraj Ankheg Archon Asperii Athasian Sloth Aurumvorax Bainligor Banelar Behemoth Behir Bhut Bolandi Bugbear Bulette Cabhaigh Cantobele Carrionette Caterwaul Cheetah Cockatrice Couatl Darkwing Darter Decapus Dohwar Dolphin Dracosphinx Dune Reaper Elephant Erdland Feliquine Feyr Fhorge Fish Floater Foo Foulwing Froghemoth Gambado Giant Scorpion Gibberling Gnasher Gnoll Gohlbrorn Gremishka Gremlin Griffon Grippli Grist Grommam Gyerian Hatori Hawk Hendar Herd 1 Herd 2 Heucuva Hippocampus Hippogriff Hobgoblin Hsiao Hutaakan Ice Bear Ice Troll Imp Innugaakalikurit Jabberwock Jaguar Jaleeda Bird Jarbo Jhakar Juhrion Kapak Kech Kender Kenku Ker Kercpa Khargra Kirre Klar Kna Kopru Kreel Krotter Kuo-Toa Kupuk Leopard Lich Lion Lirr Lizard Man Locathah Losel Loxo Lukhorn Lupasus Lupin Lynx Maelephant Malfera Manikin Manni Mara Marrashi Meazel Meenlock Megapede Merfolk Morin Morkoth Mountain Lion Muckdweller Murska Naga Nagpa Nalfeshnee Necrophidius Neogi Neshezu Nikaal Ningyo Noctral Norker Nyth Obliviax Ogre Mage Omm-wa Ophidian Opinicus Ormyrr Osquip Otyugh Owlbear Paka Pernicon Peryton Phanaton Phoenix Quaggoth Quill Rakshasa Rampager Rasclinn Razorwing Remorhaz Sahuagin Saluqi Sand Cat Sand Howler Sandling Shatjan Sink Worm Skum Ssurran Stirge Succubus Surtaki Tarrasque Tembo Tengu Thanoi Tiger Tortle Tressym Troll Ursoi Varkha Vishap Vurgens Winged Gnasher Wryback Wurmling Wyndlass Wynzet Wyste Wyvern Xerichou Xill Xorn Xvart Zard Zhackal Zygraat

D&D 2e Monstrous Manual     D&D 2e

Aarakocra Aboleth Air Elemental Ankheg Aurumvorax Bat Behir Beholder Black Bear Black Dragon Blue Dragon Brass Dragon Bronze Dragon Brown Bear Bugbear Bulette Bullywug Carrion Crawler Catoblepas Cave Bear Cave Fisher Centaur Chimera Cloaker Cloud Dragon Cloud Giant Cockatrice Copper Dragon Couatl Crabman Crocodile Dao Desert Giant Displacer Beast Djinni Dragon Turtle Drow Dryad Dwarf Earth Elemental Efreeti Elephant Elf Ettercap Feyr Fire Elemental Fire Giant Frost Giant Galeb Duhr Gargoyle Ghoul Giant Beetle Giant Centipede Giant Scorpion Giant Squid Gibberling Giff Githyanki Gnome Gold Dragon Gorgon Green Dragon Hatori Hill Giant Hobgoblin Homunculus Illithid Imp Jackalwere Janni Kenku Kirre Lich Lizard Man Locathah Marid Mimic Minotaur Morkoth Muckdweller Mummy Neogi Nymph Ogre Orc Otyugh Owlbear Pegasus Peryton Phoenix Piercer Polar Bear Quaggoth Rakshasa Red Dragon Remorhaz Roc Sahuagin Satyr Silver Dragon Skeleton Slaad Sprite Stone Giant Storm Giant Tabaxi Tako Tarrasque Thri-Kreen Titan Troglodyte Umber Hulk Unicorn Water Elemental Werebat Werebear Wereboar Werefox Wererat Wereraven Weretiger Werewolf White Dragon Winged Serpent

Monstrous Manual: Dragonlance     D&D 2e

Dwarf Elf Giant Spider Gnome Hatori Ice Bear Kender Skrit Thanoi Wyndlass Yaggol

Monstrous Compendium: Terrors Beyond Tyr     D&D 2e

Air Elemental Beast Athasian Dwarf Aviarag Baazrag Barbed Scorpion Cilops Crodlu Dagorran Earth Elemental Beast Fire Elemental Beast Jhakar Kestrekel Klar Lirr Sand Howler Ssurran Sun Drake Thri-Kreen Water Elemental Beast Xerichou

Monstrous Compendium: Al-Qadim     D&D 2e

Camel Dao Debbi Desert Giant Djinni Efreeti Marid Vishap Werehyena Werelion

Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur     D&D 2e

Ogre Mage Tengu Yuki-Onna

Monstrous Compendium Annual vol 2     D&D 2e

Dark Sun: Terrors Of The Desert     D&D 2e

Air Elemental Earth Elemental Fire Elemental Nightmare Beast Water Elemental

Scruffy Grognard's Monstrous Manual     D&D 2e

Aarakocra Aboleth Air Elemental Ankheg Aurumvorax Baatezu Basilisk Bat Behir Beholder Black Dragon Blue Dragon Brass Dragon Bronze Dragon Brownie Bugbear Bulette Bullywug Carrion Crawler Catoblepas Cave Fisher Cave Leech Centaur Centipede Cheetah Chimera Cloaker Cloud Dragon Cloud Giant Cockatrice Copper Dragon Couatl Crabman Crocodile Dao Desert Giant Displacer Beast Djinni Dolphin Dragonne Dragon Turtle Drow Dryad Dwarf Earth Elemental Efreeti Elephant Elf Ettercap Faerie Dragon Feyr Fire Elemental Fire Giant Fire Mephit Flying Snake Frost Giant Galeb Duhr Gargoyle Ghoul Giant Beetle Giant Centipede Giant Crab Giant Lynx Giant Octopus Giant Scorpion Giant Spider Giant Squid Gibberling Giff Githyanki Gnoll Gnome Goblin Gold Dragon Gorgon Green Dragon Grell Gremlin Griffon Grimlock Grippli Hag Harpy Hatori Hellhound Heucuva Hill Giant Hippocampus Hippogriff Hobgoblin Homunculus Hook Horror Horse Human Hydra Ice Mephit Illithid Imp Ixitxachitl Jacklalwere Jaguar Janni Kender Kenku Kirin Kirre Kobold Kuo-Toa Lamia Lammasu Leopard Leucrotta Lich Lion Lizard Man Locathah Manticore Marid Medusa Merfolk Mimic Minotaur Morkoth Mountain Lion Muckdweller Mummy Myconid Naga Neogi Nymph Ogre Orc Otyugh Owlbear Pegasus Peryton Phoenix Piercer Poltergeist Quaggoth Rakshasa Red Dragon Remorhaz Roc Sahuagin Satyr Sea Lion Shedu Silver Dragon Skeleton Slaad Spectre Spriggan Sprite Stirge Stone Giant Storom Giant Su Monster Svirfneblin Tabaxi Tako Tarrasque Thri-Kreen Tiger Titan Troglodyte Troll Umber Hulk Unicorn Vampire Water Elemental Werebat Werebear Wereboar Werefox Wererat Wereraven Weretiger Werewolf Whale White Dragon Wight Wraith Wyvern Xorn Yeti Yuan-Ti

AD&D Monster Manual     AD&D 1e

Ankheg Axe Beak Basilisk Beholder Bugbear Bulette Carrion Crawler Catoblepas Centaur Chimera Cloaker Cockatrice Couatl Crocodile Demogorgon Displacer Beast Dragonne Dragon Turtle Dryad Dwarf Elf Erinyes Gar Gargoyle Giant Centipede Giant Wasp Gnoll Gnome Goblin Gorgon Griffon Hamatula Harpy Hippocampus Hippogriff Hobgoblin Homunculus Illithid Imp Ixitxachitl Kender Kirin Kobold Lammasu Lich Malebranche Manticore Medusa Mimic Minotaur Mummy Ogre Ogre Mage Orc Osyluth Otyugh Owlbear Pegasus Peryton Piercer Pixie Purple Worm Quasit Rakshasa Remorhaz Roc Sahuagin Satyr Shrieker Sprite Succubus Sylph Troglodyte Troll Umber Hulk Unicorn Wraith Wyvern Xorn

AD&D Fiend Folio     AD&D 1e

Aarakocra Achaierai Algoid Babbler Berbalang Blindheim Booka Bullywug Bunyip Carbuncle Clubnek Dakon Ettercap Flail Snail Flind Flumph Garbug Gibberling Githyanki Hook Horror Jaculi Kenku Mantari Necrophidius Osquip Skulk Tabaxi Yellow Musk Creeper

AD&D Monsters: Apsara To Zebez     AD&D 1e

Eeyormancer Poohvian Rhinocer Tiggeran Ulephaunt

Lesser Gnome's Creature Catalog     AD&D 1e


Role Aids: Giants     AD&D 1e

Chaos Giant Death Giant Dwarven Giant Fire Giant Forest Giant Frost Giant Hill Giant Sea Giant Stone Giant Storm Giant Titan

Role Aids: Denizens Of Og     AD&D 1e

Adred Avaron Morik

Role Aids Monsters Of Myth And Legend I     AD&D 1e

Coyote Spirit Fox Spirit Goat Spirit Maenad

Role Aids Monsters Of Myth And Legend II     AD&D 1e


Role Aids: Denizens Of Vecheron     AD&D 1e

Malrinna Xesh

Role Aids: Denizens Of Verekna     AD&D 1e

Abthir Avdrgith Luthquar Orrefigo

Fiend Factory     AD&D 1e

Imp Melodemon Phung

Imagine Magazine Monster Collection     AD&D 1e

Aswang Mansalauan Mantabungal Tigbalan

Malevolent & Benign     AD&D 1e

Acanopyornis Blight Belcher

Dragonsfoot Monstrous Tome II     AD&D 1e

Axxtoer Dragon Toad

Beasties     D&D Basic

Bonecreeper Drumpf Khargler Sinderan Light Witch Sinderan Shadow Witch Succubus Yarglith

New Big Dragon Creature Compendium     D&D B/X

Arassas Braincrab Cactus Cat Devil Monkey Dobhar-Chu Dwarf Skunkbear Tukkator

Trilemma Adventures Bestiary     D&D B/X

Cave Squid Cave Stitcher Emperor Tortoise Vinteralf

13th Age Bestiary     13th Age

Basilisk Bat Black Dragon Bugbear Bulette Chimera Chuul Couatl Djinni Efreeti Frost Giant Ghoul Hag Hellbugs Kobold Lich Manticore Naga Ogre Orc Purple Worm Red Dragon Remorhaz Sahuagin Stirge Tarrasque White Dragon

13th Age Bestiary 2     13th Age

Frogfolk Minotaur Nymph Rakshasa Troglodyte

Midgard Bestiary     13th Age

Horakh Kobold Merrow Minotaur Owl Harpy

Dragonlance Bestiary     SAGA

Aarakocra Air Elemental Basilisk Behir Bugbear Cockatrice Crocodile Earth Elemental Fire Beetle Fire Elemental Gargoyle Ghost Ghoul Giant Ant Giant Bee Giant Centipede Giant Eagle Giant Mantis Giant Owl Giant Scorpion Giant Wasp Giant Water Beetle Gnoll Goblin Griffon Hatori Hippocampus Hippogriff Hobgoblin Hydra Imp Kobold Lich Manticore Mummy Naga Ogre Pegasus Poltergeist Purple Worm Remorhaz Roc Satyr Skeleton Spectre Stirge Strider Troll Umber Hulk Unicorn Vampire Water Elemental Wraith Wyvern

Alien Archive     Starfinder

Akata Arabuk Asteray Defrex Dust Manta Haan Hallajin Harpy Jasmine Hashukayak Klikharp Ksarik Moonflower Mountain Eel Oma Shantak Squox Swamp Strider Troll Tzitzimitl

Hacklopedia Of Beasts     Hackmaster

Air Elemental Androsphinx Aquatic Hydra Basilisk Black Bear Boar Brown Bear Bugbear Camel Catoblepas Cave Bear Chimera Cockatrice Constrictor Snake Crested Leatherwing Criosphinx Crocodile Drake Earth Elemental Elephant Fire Elemental Frost Giant Gargoyle Ghoul Giant Eagle Giant Goat Giant Lizard Giant Scorpion Giant Spider Giant Wasp Gnoll Gorgon Gorilla Griffon Grizzly Bear Gynosphinx Hieracosphinx Hill Giant Hippogriff Hydra Imp Kobold Lindwyrm Lion Lizard Man Magnasaur Merfolk Minotaur Mountain Lion Ogre Orc Pegasus Rakshasa Rattlesnake Roc Skeleton Smilodon Spectre Sturmwolf Tatzlwyrm Tiger Troglodyte Troll Tyrantfang Behemoth Viper Water Elemental Weasel Wererat Werewolf Wolf Wooly Cheetah Worg Wyvern Yeti

Hacklopedia Of Beasts Vol 1     Hackmaster

Aarakian Avianderthal Bisonvyder Cheetah Jaguar Leopard Lion Lynx Smilodon Tiger

Hacklopedia Of Beasts Vol 2     Hackmaster

Albino Scoria Dragon Black Dragon Blue Dragon Brass Dragon Bronze Dragon Cloud Dragon Copper Dragon Dragonne Dragonnel Gold Dragon Green Dragon Onyx Dragon Platinum Dragon Red Dragon Silver Dragon Tiamat White Dragon

Hacklopedia Of Beasts Vol 3     Hackmaster

Cloud Giant Fire Giant Frost Giant Goat Gremlin Griffon Grippli Hill Giant Hippopotamus Magic Mouth Stone Giant Storm Giant

Hacklopedia Of Beasts Vol 4     Hackmaster

Archaeopteryx Cetosaur Crested Leatherwing Foxwoman Hoar Fox Hornface Behemoth Kangari Knifetooth Raptor Masticator Seawolf Behemoth Shieldback Behemoth Stegodon Thunderstep Behemoth Tyrantfang Behemoth Werebadger Werefox

Hacklopedia Of Beasts Vol 5     Hackmaster

Daemon Mummy

Hacklopedia Of Beasts Vol 7     Hackmaster


Critters, Creatures, & Denizens     Dungeon Crawl Classics

Air Mephit Ant Badger Bat Beetle Black Bear Boar Brown Bear Cave Bear Cicada Constrictor Snake Crow Eagle Earth Mephit Elephant Fire Mephit Fox Frog Ghoul Goat Goblin Horse Lion Merfolk Monkey Moose Mule Newt Ogre Olar Otter Owl Platypus Poisonous Snake Polar Bear Praying Mantis Raccoon Scorpion Skunk Spider Unicorn Vampire Vulture Wasp Water Mephit Weasel Wolf Wolverine Wyvern

Blackdirge's Dungeon Denizens     Dungeon Crawl Classics

Darksea Squid Mountain Troglodyte Mushumahu Octophis Rakshasa Shimmering Slug Slashwing

Overworld Zine     Dungeon Crawl Classics

Armanamentus Gamoriya Kraven Lyonel Manhandler Molworm Petal Thrasher

Monsters Compendium     Heroes Of Adventure

Barghest Basilisk Bat Chimera Dire Wolf Giant Ant Giant Scorpion Giant Spider Giant Worm Griffon Harpy Hydra Imp Lizardfolk Manticore Medusa Minotaur Morgen Mummy Nymph Ogre Phoenix Roc Serpentfolk Shrill Skeleton Sprite Tempest Troll Trul Unicorn Vampire Werewolf Winged Serpent Wyvern

Manual Of Monsters     World Of Warcraft RPG

Dire Bear Elk Gnoll Kodo Beast Ogre Pandaren Phoenix Quilboar Wyvern

Monster Guide     World Of Warcraft RPG

Air Elemental Basilisk Black Dragon Bronze Dragon Cloud Serpent Crested Leatherwing Devilsaur Dire Ape Dire Bat Dire Boar Dire Hyena Dire Lion Earth Elemental Fire Elemental Gargoyle Ghoul Gnoll Green Dragon Ice Troll Imp Infernal Kobold Lich Makrura Naga Obsidian Destroyer Quilboar Red Dragon Sea Giant Stegodon Succubus Threshadon Water Elemental Wildkin Worg

Warhammer v4 Core Rules     Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

Bog Octopus Cave Squig Jabberslythe Vargheist

Old World Bestiary     Warhammer

Daemonette Ghoul Manticore Ogre Orc Skaven Skeleton Troll Vampire Warhawk

Black Void Core     Black Void

Adaru Akopi Draught Beetle Marud Ox Nathaliin Pethala Red-backed Tapir Silt Shark Talath Urbat

Soulbound: Age Of Sigmar     Soulbound

Gryph-charger Gryph-hound Magmadroth Maw-Krusha Terrorgheist

Godforsaken     Cypher System

Air Elemental Basilisk Fire Giant Frost Giant Harpy Hydra Minotaur Satyr Troll Water Elemental Wraith Wyvern

The Complete Book Of Denizens     Violet Dawn

Alaihar Bhorloth Burrower Centioch Duogoth Eri Ethereal Adder Goldencrest Gorg Grimvole Haklaa Hexachela Karg Kehtor Phylaern Trakza

The Ninth World Bestiary     Numenera

Avatrol Calyptor Flying Elchin Frilled Baul Griffalo Hontri Lorub Nibovian Child Queb Rhog Slurge

Warlords Of The Accordlands: Monsters And Lairs     d20

Batouri Makusog Mammut Manticore Markappal Spikan Roc Serod Shade Lion Ss-eleer Sutek Vo Taur Wyvern Steed

Hamunaptra     d20

Kaaru Serpopard Sobekhi

Animal Archive     d20

Alpaca Anaconda Arol Brontotherium Brushtongue Bull Swine Cafret Caiman Dovo Eagle Gnaw Fang Jaguar Long-necked Camel Nablop Otter Rund Shambotar Shovel-tusker Snow Sabre Tamarin Thunder Beast Tree Scamper

Monster Ecyclopaedia v2: Dark Bestiary     d20

Aitvaras Ccoa Erinyes Ethra Facada Manicora Membra Moondala Myrg Onyx Tamazulim Toadstooge Typhoeon

The Genius Guide To...     d20

Otter Dragon

Bestiary Malfearous: Creatures Of The West     d20


Frost And Fur     d20

Chudo-Yudo Imp Ketta

Lost Prehistorica     d20

Entelodont Felklaw Gastronis Glyptodon Kifter Leptictidium Mandrillion Masso Platysaur

Monsters Of The Mind     d20

Devata Juhivai Moddey Dhoo Payawinthar Thazjin Vyala Yali

The Book Of Fiends     d20

Bulgon Furtivin Herlekin Ipos Vlogar

True 20 Bestiary     True20

Prehistoric Bestiary     True20

QUERP Bestiary     QUERP

Basilisk Boar Brown Bear Brownie Catoblepas Chimera Cockatrice Crocodile Dryad Gorilla Griffon Hippogriff Hydra Kobold Kraken Leviathan Lion Mammoth Manticore Minotaur Nymph Orc Panther Pegasus Phoenix Pixie Skeleton Tiger Troll Werewolf Wolf Wyvern

More Meandering Monsters     Tunnels And Trolls

Air Elemental Earth Elemental Fire Elemental Water Elemental

Jorgi's Bestiary     Trudvang Chronicles

Galtir Grendel Griffon Huldra Linnorm Nymph Pixie Stonehinje Thorn Beast Worg

Dyval: Hell Unleashed     Rifts

Horror Imp Pandemonium The Beast

The Petersen Bestiary     Torchbearer

Devil Boar Frogman Gruxu Owlbear Strix

World Of Revilo     World Of Revilo

Cokathralis Driademus Sorcia

The Tekumel Bestiary     Tekumel

Anatl Cholokh Churstalli Dlakolel Dnelu Hlaka Hu Kheshchal Kite

A Naturalist's Guide To Talislanta     Talislanta

Ahtra Archon Ardua Cave Bat Crag Spider Equs Exomorph Ferran Jaka Land Dragon Megalodont Mogroth Ogriphant Smokk Strider Stryx Tarkus Tundra Beast

Talislanta Menagerie     Talislanta

Aeriad Ahtra Behemoth Bog Devil Cave Bat Cibant Duadir Equs Erd Exomorph Ferran Gruffan Jaka Malathorpe Megalodont Mogroth Sharl Shathane Sivian Smokk Strider Timber Beast Tundra Loper

Talislanta: The Savage Land     Talislanta

Andrak Behemoth Catdrac Colossus Grazer Loper Megalodont Ogriphant Oryx Strider Tarkus

Altais Core Book     Altais: Age Of Ruin

Adja Alkuri Aloshi Amasi Asurk Atoleye Aubex Bekhetu Besk Corix Domar Emekhu Garl Hiasuna Iron Mite Lucent Medrei Muwari Ohkar Pattern Spinner Ptekki Shuhus Skite Tarka Thala Therodon Tree Lurker Trithk

Monster Manual     Munchkin

Bullrog Cat Girl Giant Skunk Jabberwock Platycore Tongue Demon

The Thousand Year Sandglass     Labyrinth Lord

Dao Djinni Efreeti Marid

Manual Of Monsters     Amazing Adventures

Air Elemental Crocodile Earth Elemental Fire Elemental Jungle Dragon Succubus Water Elemental

Bestiary Of The Beyond     Lone Wolf

Air Elemental Brumalghast Earth Elemental Elix Fire Elemental Flying Snake Kalkoth Kyveeryx Najin Onzahra Quoku Water Elemental Xanon Zhurc

Magnamund Menagerie     Lone Wolf

Ashradon Baknar Fanji Ghorka Gnagusk Guanza Itikar Mawtaw Reebdan Vythaz Zukdogorak

Monsternomicon 1     Iron Kingdoms

Burrow-mawg Dracodile Farrow Fog Drake Skigg

Monsternomicon 2     Iron Kingdoms


Monster Tome     Blood And Treasure

Carcolh Crested Leatherwing Domeskull Behemoth Drakkin Eloko Giraffe Centaur Gorger Hornface Behemoth Iguanodon Insectaur Knifetooth Raptor Lilitu Samebito Seawolf Behemoth Shieldback Behemoth Thunderstep Behemoth Tylosaur Yuki-Onna

Nyambe     Nyambe

Chepekwe Garkain Getiet Lau Mlularuka Njenge Sao

Arrows Of Indra     Arrows Of Indra

Elephant Vyala

Conan     Conan (Mongoose)

Black Ones Brylukas Children Of The Night Giant Bat Giant Eagle Giant White Ram Golden Jungle Monkey Great Ape Grey Ape Man-Ape Nordwolf Serpopard

Fantasy Age Bestiary     Fantasy Age

Afanc Ahool Air Elemental Amarok Ammit Bakwanee Basilisk Bouda Burrower Chimera Dao Djinni Earth Elemental Efreeti Fire Elemental Gargoyle Ghoul Griffon Groi Grootslang Imp Knifehound Marid Merfolk Minotaur Mothman Night Terror Nymph Sea Devil Soulbound Doll Vampire Water Elemental Yeti

Monsters Collection     GURPS 4e


Mythic Races     Legends & Lairs

Aaleear Artathi

Mystara Adversary Compendium I     Dragon Age

Aranea Basilisk Boar Bulette Carrion Crawler Crocodile Decapus Djinni Dragonne Efreeti Ghoul Gnoll Jaguar Kobold Leopard Lion Lizardfolk Mummy Ogre Orc Owlbear Tiger Tortle Troll Werebear Weretiger Werewolf Wolf Wyvern

Basic Fantasy Field Guide     Basic Fantasy

Beebear Cockhorse Octobat Tyrannobeak Wolpertinger

Lusus Naturae     Lamentations Of The Flame Princess

Desideratum Factotum Inkling Kakistocrat Lilith Mesmerant

Isle Of The Unknown     Lamentations Of The Flame Princess

Aphis Clamonid Duckman Giant Mantis Hefere

Monsters And Treasure Of Aihrde     Castles And Crusades

Ibar Jara-Tuor Jarhdel Jung-mule Kuthis Lakarn Lauk Mogrl Qu Fiend Quil Steppe Devil Yedae

Monsters And Treasure (2019)     Castles And Crusades

Air Elemental Androsphinx Baku Chuhaister Crocodile Dakon Djinni Drider Drogonne Dryad Earth Elemental Eblis Efreeti Fire Elemental Flumph Frost Worm Gorgon Gynosphinx Mummy Pegasus Phoenix Samodiva Skeleton Water Elemental

The Fiendish And Unfriendly In Lingusia     Castles And Crusades


Monsters And Treasure Of The Wilderlands     Castles And Crusades

Karcajou Malicorn Tlahtocelotl

Palladium Monsters And Animals     Palladium

Bearfolk Devil Digger Dragondactyl Dragon Wolf Drakin Grimbor Hairy Jack Hopper Hytril Krel Silonar Sprite Tusker Waternix

Yin-Sloth Jungles     Palladium

Cat Men Grimbor Krog

Glorantha Bestiary     Runequest

Broo Crimson Bat Dragonsnail Giant Beetle Giant Ice Worm Giant Praying Mantis Giant Solpugid Huan To Krarshtkid Rubble Runner Sky Bull Walktapi

Monster Of The Month     Runequest

Dolorous Edd

Monster Island     Runequest 6

Arumco Malcathorn

Beyond The Black Sea Bestiary     Beyond The Black Sea (Dark Stars)

Anu Sinom Ape Men Aqrabuamelu Aranea Chamiloedem Dracowolf Hydra Imp Ior Lich Mothran Nugent Scamp Serpentfolk Skink Strider Werecrocodile Wereleopard

Monsters, Minions, And Marauders     Hero System

Delgeth Erqigdlit Nymph Orobon

Creature Feature Quarterly    

Arbori Bellifer Devourer Duskire Gargon Gurh Hound Of Tindalos Imp Krokoworg Thaumagrue Xathraxus

Monsters: A field Guide     HARP

Cockatrice Harpy Patago


Flybiter Plated Woolly Rhino Yroometji


RPG Creatures by Cloister    

Holath-Uhr Marajack



Misc     Any


The Dungeon Dozen     Any

Magic Mouth

Low Fantasy Gaming Companion     Low Fantasy Gaming

Gnoll Storm Raven War Wombat

Creatures Of The Wyld     Exalted

Horned Snow Hunter Hushed Ones Panic Monkey Sandswimmer Snow Lion

Monsters Of Luclin     Everquest

Fungus Fiend Giant Scorpion Owlbear Rock-hopper Saurek Shissar Underbulk

Monsters Of Norrath     Everquest

Abhorrent Amygdalan Knight Brontotherium Froglok Othmir Racnar Sporali Tigerraptor Ulthork

Harnmaster Gold Bestiary     Harnmaster

Air Elemental Earth Elemental Fire Elemental Griffon Hippogriff Succubus Unicorn Water Elemental

Harnmaster 5e     Harnmaster

Black Bear Brown Bear Dryad Horse

Bestiary Of Cryptofauna     Old School Essentials

Arctic Rakshasa Camazotz Carniflor Dwarf Gnoll Kender Thalassocnus Thylacoleo

Terrible Beauty     Shadow Of The Demon Lord


The Monster Overhaul     OSR

Basilisk Beholder Catoblepas Centaur Chimera Cockatrice Giant Crab Giant Spider Goblin Griffon Harpy Homunculus Hydra Illithid Kirin Kobold Kraken Lammasu Lich Manticore Medusa Mimic Minotaur Mummy Myconid Naga Ogre Ooze Orc Owlbear Peryton Skeleton Snow Golem Troll Umber Hulk Vampire Werewolf Wight

Desert Denizens     OSR

Ammit Bennu Obion

Iron Falcon Handbook Of Monsters     OSR

Ankheg Basilisk Bugbear Bulette Displacer Beast Djinni Dryad Efreeti Gargoyle Gnoll Illithid Lich Succubus Troll Unicorn

Megadungeon Monster Manual     OSR

Biyakk Darg

Dwellers In Dark Places     OSRIC

Alghossi Ammonite Andrewsarchus Avosh Baranath Chitterling Cloud Whale Copper Golem Daeodon Decasarchus Hawkmare Ice Drake Inostrancevia Jhurra Kaprosuchus King Hawk Krakenite Lishku Nubrattu Oonagrah Phreen Sleethe Spectral Asp Strobe Asp Watymo Wide-mouthed Asp Xinnit Yamathu Yiff

Treatise Of Twisted Terrors     OSRIC

Aguane Akhlut Aswang Chamrosh Duwende Grootslang Huldra Jackalope Jikininki Kikimora Rusalka

Adventures Dark And Deep     Adventures Dark And Deep

Aboleth Achaierai Bunyip Caturwaul Cheetah Cloaker Clubnek Crested Leatherwing Devilhunter Behemoth Devilsnout Behemoth Dire Corby Dolphin Dragon Turtle Elephant Erinyes Flail Snail Froghemoth Giant Crab Giant Octopus Giant Snapping Turtle Giant Wasp Hippocampus Hornface Behemoth Jaguar Kami Kapoacinth Koalinth Leopard Lion Mammoth Mantari Mastodon Megatherium Merrow Minotaur Mummy Ogre Ophidian Pegasus Pixie Sea-Lion Seawolf Behemoth Shark Shieldback Behemoth Sprite Succubus Swordfish Sylph Tiger Unicorn Viper Yellow Musk Creeper

Creatures Of Barsaive     Earthdawn

Basilisk Cave Crab Cockatrice Dyre Earth Qwril Felux Genhis Jungle Griffin Leviathan Molgrim Saural Shriekbat Skeorx Snow Badger Stinger Wyvern

The Cryptid Manual     Dark Places And Demogorgons

Crocoduck Hodag

Creature Compendium     Mazes And Minotaurs


Crypts & Things     Crypts & Things

Bashan Bull Roarer Minotaur Ulgan Zongon

Bestiarum Vocabulum     Savage Worlds

Anubis Braeyeok Chroten Egruth Fog Snake Horus Janasaur Jungle Snake Oclyt Sil Treor

Battle For Oz     Savage Worlds

Pumpkinhead Spiderfolk Tucroc

Fantasy Bestiary     GURPS

Dundubhis Humbaba Otoroshi Paluc Cat Tarrasque

Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 2     GURPS 4e

Chimera Galdernaut Kroa-Kroa Naga Succubus Terror Bird Tomb Bug

Creatures Of Aysle     Torg

Bogoblin Caretyne Chimera Fachana Grendel Peryton Uvwe

D6 Fantasy Creatures     d6


The Atlantean Bestiary     Any

Chimera Griffon Manticore Nymph Phoenix Pit Fiend Succubus Werebat Werebear Wereboar Werecat

Abnormal Undead     Any

Ghoul Mummy Skeleton Wight

Adventurer, Conqueror, King     Adventurer, Conqueror, King


Strange And Bizzare     Brutal

Scorpion Spider

Lairs And Encounters     Adventurer, Conqueror, King

Ankheg Basilisk Black Bear Chimera Cloud Giant Cockatrice Fire Beetle Frost Giant Gargoyle Giant Ant Giant Bat Giant Bee Giant Beetle Giant Centipede Giant Crab Giant Scorpion Giant Spider Griffon Grizzly Bear Harpy Hill Giant Hydra Kraken Manticore Minotaur Mountain Lion Owlbear Panther Polar Bear Remorhaz Stirge Stone Giant Storm Giant Tiger Unicorn Wyvern

Baby Bestiary 1     Any

Air Elemental Androsphinx Basilisk Blink Dog Bulette Chimera Cockatrice Couatl Criosphinx Earth Elemental Fire Elemental Gnoll Griffon Gynosphinx Hieracosphinx Hippocampus Kirin Kitsune Kobold Leviathan Manticore Minotaur Owlbear Phoenix Rakshasa Water Elemental Wyvern

Baby Bestiary 2     Any

Aboleth Behir Bugbear Djinni Dragon Turtle Elder God Gargoyle Hippogriff Hydra Kraken Lizardfolk Myconid Naga Orc Otyugh Pegasus Peryton Purple Worm Remorhaz Simurgh Tarrasque Tatzlwyrm Troglodyte Troll Umber Hulk Unicorn Xorn