Night's Black Agents James Bond 007 Call Of Cthulu 7e Feng Shui: Golden Comeback GURPS 4e: Action2 - Exploits Savage Worlds Adventure Edition Savage Worlds Adventure Edition Savage Worlds Pathfinder Low Fantasy Gaming Spellbound Kingdoms


The party can chase fleeing enemies by making a check.

Attribute Modifier
DC = 11 +- 1 per 5' diff of base 30'

The DC is lessened if the pursuers are trying to get into bow range.

The PCs roll at disadvantage if the quarry is able to easily break line of sight (such as in darkness, dense foliage, or twisting halls).

They roll at advantage if they have a better position (such as surrounding the enemy).

The quarry can try to stall their pursuer - which might affect the DC - by throwing caltrops, impediments, false trails, or bait.

Overland chases over the course of hours or days can be handled the same way, but use CON if endurance is more important than short bursts of speed. Attempting to outmaneuver an enemy force might instead use the commander’s CHA or NPCs’ morale.

The process is reversed if the party is trying to flee. The players still roll, only to escape